Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Antibiotic e | Penicillin | Microbiology

By continuing to browse this site you agree to us using cookies as described in About Cookies Olaf M Dekkers, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Leiden Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Medical Center, PO BoxLeiden, RC, Netherlands.
Combined oral contraceptive COC Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis has been associated with venous thrombosis VT i. The VT risk has been evaluated for many estrogen Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis and progestagen types contained in COC but no comprehensive comparison involving commonly used COC is available.
To provide a comprehensive overview of the risk of venous thrombosis in women using different combined Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis contraceptives. Electronic databases Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane, CINAHL, Academic Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Premier and ScienceDirect were searched in 22 April for eligible studies, without language restrictions. The primary outcome of interest was a fatal or non-fatal first event of venous thrombosis with the main focus on deep venous thrombosis Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis pulmonary embolism.
Publications with at least 10 events in total Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis eligible. The network meta-analysis was performed using an extension of frequentist random effects models for mixed multiple treatment comparisons.
Two independent reviewers extracted data from selected studies. Incidence of venous thrombosis in non-users from two included cohorts was 0. Use of combined oral contraceptives increased the risk of venous thrombosis compared with non-use relative risk 3. A dose related effect of ethinylestradiol mit Krampfadern als heilen observed for gestodene, desogestrel, and levonorgestrel, with higher doses being associated with higher thrombosis risk.
All combined oral contraceptives investigated in this analysis were associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis. The effect size depended both on the progestogen used and the dose of ethinylestradiol.
A combined oral contraceptive pill contains two components, Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis estrogen and the progestagen compound. Despite its reliable contraception action, these pills may present side-effects including obstruction of leg and pulmonary vessels by clots venous thrombosis. This side-effect is rare but the most read more occurring serious adverse effect.
Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis combination pills show different vessel clotting obstruction tendencies venous thrombosis risk. Evaluation of these different tendencies may play an important role in choosing the safest pill when starting pill use. Ein kombiniertes orales Verhütungsmittel enthält zwei Komponenten, den Östrogen- und den Gestagenanteil. Trotz ihrer zuverlässigen Verhütungswirkung können diese Pillen Nebenwirkungen verursachen.
Diese Nebenwirkung ist selten, aber die am häufigsten auftretende schwerwiegende Nebenwirkung. Verschiedene kombinierte Pillen zeigen unterschiedlich hohe Risiken für venöse Thrombosen. Die Bewertung dieser unterschiedlichen Risiken spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Auswahl der Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Pille, wenn Frauen die Einnahme der Pille beginnen.
Alle kombinierten monophasischen oralen Verhütungsmittel haben die gleiche Wirksamkeit in der Verhinderung ungewollter Schwangerschaften. Venous thrombosis comprises deep-vein thrombosis DVT and pulmonary embolism. DVT typically starts in the calf veins, from where it may extend to the proximal veins and subsequently cause pulmonary embolism Kearon Approximately one-third of patients with Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis venous thrombosis manifest pulmonary embolism White ; Huerta In women of reproductive age, an important risk factor is oral contraceptive use.
Venous thrombosis in women has an incidence of 1. Incidence rates increase with age: women aged 30 to 34 years Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis an incidence of 0. Despite the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis incidence of venous thrombosis among women of reproductive age, the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of oral contraceptives on the risk is large since it is estimated that Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis than million women worldwide use an oral contraceptive WHO Moreover, venous thrombosis is associated with an increased mortality risk.
Overall, the day case fatality rate is higher in patients with pulmonary embolism than in those Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis DVT 9. In women from 15 to 44 years of age the Verletzung Mutter Blutung der Plazenta Grad 2 thrombosis-associated mortality rate is lower 0.
DVT may damage deep venous valves with venous reflux and venous hypertension in the lower limbs, resulting in a post-thrombotic syndrome PTS. PTS is characterized by pain, heaviness, and swelling of the leg aggravated by standing or Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Kearon PTS may develop in half of all DVT article source within three months, with no further increase being seen up to two years of follow-up Tick Complete resolution of pulmonary embolism occurs in about two-thirds of patients, with partial resolution in the remainder.
It consisted of 0. Shortly after, the first case of venous Gebärmutter Varizen associated Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis COC was reported Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Since then many studies have established the association between COC use and occurrence of venous thrombosis van Hylckama Vlieg Several large studies in the s confirmed a two- to four-fold increase in the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of venous thrombosis associated with COC use Thorogood ; Vandenbroucke ; WHO ; Farmer These issues were addressed in an opinion article and a meta-analysis in which it was shown that the presence of bias Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis confounding could not explain Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis observed results Vandenbroucke ; Kemmeren Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis The use of COCs affects hemostasis in many ways.
It medizinische Tücher venöse Geschwüre factors involved in coagulation or indicative of increased activity of this system i.
The two assays rely on different coagulation triggers and endpoints and they probe different coagulation reactions. APC resistance predicts venous thrombosis risk in men and in women, as well as in COC users and non-users Tans Specifically, we Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis a network meta-analysis to compare one COC to another or to non-use.
Network meta-analysis allows not only the comparison of two treatments but also a simultaneous comparison of several competing treatments, even where few or no direct comparisons exist. In addition, assessment of effect may be more realistic because it is based on a much larger Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of evidence than in conventional meta-analysis Jansen ; Thijs The systematic review protocol was established before we developed the review that was published in September Stegeman Empirical evidence suggests that there may be no difference on average in side effects risk estimates of an intervention derived from meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials RCT and meta-analyses of observational studies.
Therefore it seems reasonable not to restrict systematic reviews of adverse effects only to Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis specific study type Golder and also because there is a paucity of experimental data Angriff Lungenembolie side effects.
Thus, systematic reviews on the harms of interventions often come from observational studies. Observational Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis in this review included case-control, cohort, and nested case-control designs. The above table only refers to groups, which is used in its conventional sense to mean a number of individual participants. With the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of allocation on the basis of outcome, 'group' can be Darsonval mit aus Krampfadern synonymously with 'intervention group'.
Although individuals are nested in clusters, a cluster does not Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis represent a fixed collection of individuals. For instance, Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis cluster-allocated studies, clusters are often studied at two or more time points periods with different collections Ulkus trophische individuals contributing to the data collected at each time point.
Typically, Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis compare two or more groups that receive different interventions; the groups may be studied over the same time period, or over different time Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis see below.
Sometimes researchers compare outcomes in just one group but at two time Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. It is also possible that researchers may have done both, i. These items aim to describe how groups were formed. Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis will apply if the study does not compare two or more groups of participants.
The information is often not reported or is difficult to find in a paper. The items provided cover the main ways in which groups may be formed.
More than one option may apply to a single study, although some options are mutually exclusive i. Check carefully whether allocation was adequately concealed until participants were Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis recruited. Note: when such methods are used, the problem is that allocation is rarely concealed.
Allocation happened as the result of some decision or system applied by Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis researchers. For example, participants managed in 'units' of provision e.
For example, in a historically controlled study Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis in the control group are typically recruited earlier in time than participants in the intervention group; the intervention is then introduced and participants receiving the intervention are recruited.
Both groups Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis usually recruited in the same setting. If the design was under the control of the researchers, both this option and 'other action of researchers' must be ticked for a single study. If the design 'came about' by the introduction of a new intervention, both this option and 'treatment decisions' must be ticked for a single study. So, both this option and 'other action of researchers' could be ticked for a single study.
This option is intended to reflect treatment decisions taken mainly by the clinicians responsible; the following option is intended to reflect treatment decisions made mainly on the basis of participants' preferences.
If treatment preferences are uniform for particular provider 'units', or switch over time, both this option and 'location' or 'time' Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis should be ticked. This option is intended to reflect treatment decisions made mainly on the basis of patients' preferences; the previous option is intended to reflect treatment decisions taken mainly read more the clinicians responsible.
Note: this option should be ticked for papers that report analyses of multiple risk factors for a particular outcome in a large series visit web page participants, i. These studies are much closer to nested case-control studies than cohort studies, even when longitudinal data are collected prospectively for consecutive patients. These items aim to describe which parts of the study were conducted prospectively. In a randomized controlled Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis, all Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of these items would be prospective.
For non-randomized trials NRS click the following article is also possible that all four are prospective, although inadequate detail may be presented to discern this, particularly for generation of hypotheses. In some cohort studies, participants may be identified, and have been allocated to treatment retrospectively, but outcomes are ascertained this web page. These questions should identify 'before-and-after' studies.
Baseline assessment of outcome variables is particularly useful when outcomes are measured on continuous Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis, e. Try to use only 'Yes', 'No', and 'Can't tell' response options.
Participants were healthy women taking a COC. As there is no generally accepted way to classify COC according to generation of progestogen, we classified as 'first-generation' COCs those including lynestrenol and norethisterone as progestogens. Therefore, we classified COCs by progestogen generation independently of ethinylestradiol dose.
Whenever another COC generation classification was employed by the researchers, we also kept the original generation classification data so we could evaluate the effect of COC generation classification on venous Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis risk Henzl ; Sitruk-Ware We also categorized COCs according to estrogen dose and to progestogen type. The outcome was fatal or non-fatal first venous thrombosis event DVT or pulmonary embolism.
The primary outcome was fatal or Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis first venous thrombosis event DVT or pulmonary embolism. The search strategy is shown in Appendix 1. We have searched the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis databases: the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews to 22 AprilMEDLINE to 22 AprilEMBASE to 22 AprilWeb of Science to 22 AprilCINAHL to 22 AprilAcademic Search Premier to 22 Apriland ScienceDirect to 22 April Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis have amended the search strategy for each database.
We have not set a language restriction on the study search. We analyzed the study results by comparing the venous thrombosis relative risk between COC users and non-users and comparing different types and dosing of COC components based on a network meta-analysis. We used standard piloted forms for study selection, 'Risk of bias' assessment, and data abstraction.
Two review authors MdB, BHS independently evaluated the title and abstract of each study in the study search for study retrieval using standard piloted forms and specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Disagreements have been resolved by consensus and a third author OMD was consulted if disagreement persisted. Two review authors MdB, BHS independently performed data extraction using Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis, piloted forms.
We extracted details of methods i. Any disagreements were resolved mit Krampfadern behandeln auf discussion and a third author OMD was consulted if disagreement persisted. Since the Newcastle-Ottawa tool is not customized for case-control study designs, and Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis many case-control studies of COCs are available, we have customized a version of the Newcastle-Ottawa Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis for the research question Higgins In cohort studies we customized the question: 'Was the selection of the non-exposed cohort adequately performed?
This item was assessed when the control or the non-exposed participants were derived from the same Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis as the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis or the exposed participants. For cohort study designs, the options include: 'Database record' i. Low risk of bias is defined as a database record selection or written self report in cohort design. Possible options include 'complete follow-up' i. We did not use the 'Risk of bias' assessment to accept Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis reject studies.
Two independent review authors MdB, BHS assessed Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of bias using a standard piloted form. Any persistent disagreement was resolved by discussion with a third author OMD. We extracted effect click at this page from observational Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis or RCTs.
Effect estimates can be either odds ratios RCT, cohort studies, and case-control studies or risk ratios RCT and cohort studies. The unit of analysis was a healthy Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis using COC specified by ethinylestradiol Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis and progestogen type. The denominator for each outcome in each study Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis the number of participants minus any participants whose outcomes were known to be missing.
We explored von USA Krampfadern den Behandlung in reasons for heterogeneity i.
Study class with 0 zero events was inflated to 0. Indirect comparisons used a random-effects model. We investigated reporting biases such as publication bias using a funnel plot. After visual inspection for asymmetry we used the linear regression test for asymmetry proposed by Egger Egger We calculated the meta-analysis adjusted odds ratios by pooling adjusted odds ratios from individual studies, weighting individual study results by the inverse of their variance.
For included studies, we noted Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of attrition. One can calculate indirect click to see more between two strategies by examining studies that contrast each strategy against a third 'reference' intervention. We estimated the comparisons in a pair-wise manner combining all direct 'head-to-head' and indirect evidence in a single joint analysis network meta-analysisusing a log odds model with a random-effects model.
Graphic representation of the results Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis made by a matrix representing each comparison. The Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of disagreement between direct and indirect evidence was also quantified by the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of the network Thijs We performed the statistical analyses, including the network analysis, with a STATA package Stata Funding is Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis as any study receiving money from pharmaceutical companies.
To determine the stability of the overall risk estimate, we performed sensitivity analysis in which each design, outcome, and funding source category was individually observed by progestogen generation.
Overall, 26 studies reported in 25 articles were included one article WHO a presented two studies, see Characteristics of included studies.
Two publications provided important additional information Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis studies included in the meta-analysis information on first time use ; data from these publications were added to the respective studies already included.
Nine cohort studies, three nested case-control studies, and 14 case-control studies were included. Studies were published between and and including participants from to Twelve studies used strict and specific diagnosis criteria for Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis events and eight studies were industry-funded.
Two studies LidegaardSamuelsson reported the absolute risk of venous thrombosis in non-users: 0. Based on data from 15 studies that included a non-user group, use of combined oral contraceptives was found to increase the risk of venous thrombosis fourfold relative risk 3.
Only Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis studies objectively confirmed venous thrombosis in all patients, whereas five case-control studies selected controls from a population in hospital care. Of the nine cohort studies, none provided information about loss to follow-up.
Network meta-analysis comparing generations of progestogens A total of 23 studies were included for the analysis stratified per generation of Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. Three studies BirdJickParkin reported solely on the risk of venous thrombosis in drospirenone, which is not classified as a generation of progestogen. Compared with non-users, the risk of venous thrombosis in users of oral contraceptives with a first generation progestogen increased 3.
The risk of venous thrombosis Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis second generation progestogen users was similar to the risk in first generation users relative risk 0. Third generation users had a slightly higher risk than second generation users 1. Restricted to studies with an identical classification of generations see methods section for classification usedthe results of each generation article source with non-use remained the same first generation relative risk 3.
The relative risk estimate was highest in Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis users and lowest in 20LNG and 20GSD users. A dose Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis effect was observed for gestodene, desogestrel, von Krampfadern Bewertungen levonorgestrel, with higher doses being associated with higher thrombosis risk.
The risk of venous thrombosis for 35CPA and 30DRSP was similar to the risk for 30DSG relative risk 0. A formal interaction test could not be performed because only two of 14 Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis provided data for exactly the same contraceptives. Sensitivity analyses We performed sensitivity analyses according to funding source, study design, and method of diagnosis confirmation objective vs subjective confirmation of venous thrombosis.
Sensitivity analysis source by funding source showed that the risk estimate for third generation users compared with non-users was lower in industry sponsored studies than in non-industry sponsored studies relative risk 1. In cohort studies, the risk estimate for third generation users compared with non-users was lower than the risk for third generation users in case-control studies 2.
All risk estimates were higher in studies with objectively confirmed venous Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis, of which none were industry sponsored. We performed a network meta-analysis based Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis 26 studies. Overall, combined oral contraceptive use increased the risk of venous thrombosis fourfold.
The reported incidence of venous thrombosis in non-users was in line with the literature. We observed that Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis generations of progestogens were associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis and that third generation users had a slight Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis risk compared with second generation users.
All individual types of combined oral contraceptives increased thrombosis risk compared with non-use more than two-fold. The highest risk of venous thrombosis was found among 50LNG users, and the risk was visit web page in 30DRSP, 35CPA, and 30DSG users. Users of 30LNG, 20LNG, Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis 20GSD had Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis lowest thrombosis risk.
A network meta-analysis summarises data from direct and indirect comparisons in a weighted average. In the present study, this resulted in a comprehensive overview of the risk of venous thrombosis check this out frequently prescribed combined oral contraceptives.
The internal validity of the network meta-analysis was assessed through interaction analysis modelling potential Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis in the network White Our results of the analysis based on generations of progestogens indicated that potential inconsistencies are likely the result of chance.
A limitation of our network meta-analysis was that publications had to provide the crude number of users and number of events per type of combined oral contraceptive. A total of 15 studies provided information on Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis oral contraceptive use and thrombosis risk without specification of which contraceptive preparations were used. These studies could therefore not be included.
Because of the need for crude numbers in the network meta-analysis, adjusted risk estimates were not used for pooling the data. Confounding could have influenced our results.
Age is a potential confounder for the association between contraceptive use and venous thrombosis. Women using second generation contraceptives are generally older than users of third generation contraceptives. If an analysis is not adjusted for age, the relative risk will then underestimate the risk of venous thrombosis in users of third click the following article contraceptives compared with users of second generation contraceptives.
This implies Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis the risk of third generation users may be higher than reported here. However, age was often dealt with in the design of the studies. Body mass index is only weakly associated with combined oral contraceptive use, and Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis unadjusted for body mass index are probably not confounded. There is no generally accepted way to classify oral Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis according to generations of progestogens.
For instance, norgestimate can be categorised as a second or a third generation progestogen. As a consequence, the classification of these generations was not Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis same in every publication.
However, the results did not materially change when restricted to studies with an identical classification of generations as described in the methods nor when contraceptives with desogestrel or gestodene were compared with levonorgestrel that is, Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis was not taken into account when classifying contraceptives into generations data not shown. In the classification of progestogen Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis used in this meta-analysis, the dose of ethinylestradiol was not taken into account.
In only a Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis included studies, venous thrombosis was Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis confirmed in all Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. Including patients without objectively confirmed venous thrombosis would lead to overestimating the association when oral contraceptives users were more likely to be diagnosed than non-users Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis suspicion bias.
However, two studies showed that Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis bias was independent of type of oral contraceptive KemmerenVandenbroucke In studies without objective confirmation, Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis were misclassified irrespective of their contraceptive use, leading to non-differential misclassification.
Therefore, Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of such studies may underestimate the true association, Sie tun Fitness können mit Krampfadern was confirmed by our Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis analysis where the risk estimates were higher in studies with objectively confirmed venous thrombosis than Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis those without an objective confirmation.
Two other meta-analyses KemmerenManzoli have evaluated the risk of venous thrombosis comparing third generation contraceptive users with second generation users. Both Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis found an increased risk in third generation users relative risk 1. The majority of included studies from both meta-analyses were included in our analysis. It should be kept in mind that all combined oral contraceptives increase the risk of venous thrombosis, which is not the case for the levonorgestrel intrauterine device Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Hylckama Vlieg Current practice is to increase the dose of ethinylestradiol in case of disruptions in bleeding patterns Gallo Our results indicate that prescribing 50LNG in case of spotting during the use of 30LNG might carry a serious risk for venous thrombosis.
Combining different preparations of oral contraceptive into generations of progestogens may not be an appropriate way to present the risk of thrombosis, because the risk Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis on the dose of ethinylestradiol as well as Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis the progestogen provided.
We suggest abstaining from any classification of contraceptives, but to compare the risk of venous thrombosis just click for source oral contraceptive preparation. Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis we observed that the risk of venous thrombosis increased with the dose of ethinylestradiol, this seemed to depend on the progestogen provided.
There was no difference in the venous thrombosis risk between 20LNG and 30LNG, whereas a difference in the risk was observed between 20DSG and 30DSG, for example. It is unclear why the dose effect of ethinylestradiol might depend on the progestogen. A Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis is that there is a difference in inhibitory Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of the progestogen on the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis effect of ethinylestradiol.
Oral contraceptive use increases the levels of factors II, VII, VIII, protein C, and decreases the levels of antithrombin, tissue factor pathway inhibitor, and protein S. Clinical studies have showed that this effect on coagulation factors was more pronounced Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis desogestrel users than in levonorgestrel users, and limited to combined oral contraceptives Kemmeren read articleKemmeren We thank Jan W Schoones, Walaeus Library, LUMC, Leiden, NL for developing the search strategies.
We thank Ale Algra Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis helping in the study protocol development. A van Hylckama Vlieg, FR Rosendaal, and Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Helmerhorst advised on the protocol and provided clinical and technical expertise for the systematic review.
T Stijnen provided statistical expertise. BHS, MdB, FMH, and OMD developed the study design. BHS and MdB independently selected Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis publications and extracted data.
Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis, TS, and OMD performed the statistical analysis. All authors interpreted the data and critically reviewed drafts of the manuscript. This study received no specific funding. BHS was supported by grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.
MdB was supported by grant from Capes-Nuffic,Brazil. The funding agencies had no role in the study Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis, implementation, or preparation of results.
All authors have no known financial conflicts of interest to declare. We were able to carry out most of the planned activities of the protocol. The missing evaluations concerned absolute risk evaluation, specific sensitivity analyses and graphical representation of the network and the results.
Absolute VT risk of individual COC estimates or loss of follow-up estimates Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis not usually reported in the included studies.
Due to the small number of included studies and the non-standardized data reporting in the included studies, some sensitivity analyses were not possible e. Due to the complexity of the network 10 combined oral contraceptives and a non-use group resulting in 55 possible comparisons Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis, a clear representation of the network was not possible nor a forest plot.
Request Permissions Marcos de Bastos, Bernardine Kaufen Unterwäsche für. Rosendaal, Astrid Van Hylckama Vlieg, Frans M Helmerhorst, Theo Stijnen, Olaf M Dekkers Article first published online: 3 Mar DOI: Rosendaal, Astrid Van Hylckama Vlieg, Frans M Helmerhorst, Theo Stijnen, Olaf M Dekkers Article first published online: 11 Nov DOI: All Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Reserved Go here continuing to browse this site you agree to us using cookies as described in About Cookies Remove maintenance message Cochrane.
Search for more papers by this author First published: 3 Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Editorial Group: Cochrane Fertility Regulation Group DOI: Objectives To provide a Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis overview of Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis risk of venous thrombosis in women using different combined oral contraceptives.
Search methods Electronic databases Pubmed, Embase, Web of Считаю, Varizen von berühmten Persönlichkeiten несколько, Cochrane, CINAHL, Academic Search Premier and ScienceDirect were searched in 22 April for eligible studies, without language restrictions. Selection criteria We selected studies including healthy women taking COC with VT as outcome.
Data collection and analysis The primary outcome of interest was a fatal or non-fatal first event of venous thrombosis with the main focus on deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. Main results publications were retrieved through a search strategy; 25 publications reporting on 26 studies were included. Authors' conclusions All combined oral contraceptives investigated in this analysis were associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis. Anmerkungen zur Übersetzung I.
Töws, freigegeben durch Cochrane Deutschland. Y Y Y Y Y Within the same group of participants over time? Y N N N N Quasi-randomization? N N N N N Other action of researchers? N N N N N Time differences?
N N N N N Location differences? N P P NA NA Treatment decisions? N P P N N Participants' preferences? N P P N N On the basis of outcome?
N N N Y Y Some other process? Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Y N Y N Assessment of baseline and allocation to intervention? Y Y N Y N Assessment of outcomes?
Y Y P Y N Generation of hypotheses? P P P P P Baseline assessment of outcome variables? Was there a comparison? Which parts of the study were prospective? On what variables was comparability of groups assessed? Response options Try to use only 'Yes', 'No', and 'Can't tell' response options.
Design refers to the type and number of direct comparisons provided Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis a single study.
Studies with the same design provide direct comparisons of exactly the same generations or same individual oral contraceptives. Implications for Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Although we observed that the risk of venous thrombosis increased with the dose of golfs von Krampfadern, this seemed to depend on the progestogen provided.
Adjustment for confounding: yes matched Notes Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Jamaica, Thailand, UK. Study Reason for exclusion Amundsen No data on progestagen type or Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis dose Austin Other hormonal contraceptives, such as transdermal patch, vaginal ring, were included Barsoum No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose BCDSP No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Bernstein No data on progestagen Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis or ethinylestradiol dose Bonifacj Included recurrent venous thrombosis Bottiger No data on Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis dose Burnhill Included progestagen-only contraceptives and retinal vein thrombosis Diddle Less than 10 venous thrombosis cases Dinger Included recurrent venous thrombosis Dinger Included recurrent venous thrombosis Eng Compared drospirenone versus other oral contraceptive users Farmer Ecologic study Fuertes Unclear reference group Gerstman Incomplete data on contraceptive use Girolami Included not only venous thrombosis Grodstein No Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Grounds Included not only venous thrombosis Hall No data on venous thrombosis Hedenmalm Included recurrent venous thrombosis and cerebral vein thrombosis Heinemann Report on Transnational study, already included LewisLewis Helmrich Incomplete data on contraceptive use Herings a Data Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis included: Herings Heuser No extractable number of exposed and non-exposed women Hirvonen No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Huerta No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Inman Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Inman No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose IPPF Communication to the editor Kieler Included recurrent venous thrombosis Lambrekht No data on venous thrombosis Lawrenson Review Legnani Included recurrent venous thrombosis Lewis Report Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Transnational study, already included Lewis Lewis b Report on Transnational study, already included: LewisLewis Lewis c Commentary Lidegaard a Updated study see Lidegaard Lidegaard b Review Lidegaard Review Lidegaard Updated study of Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis study Lidegaard is included Lindqvist No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Lis Publication of study protocol Ludwig Unclear what is defined as high progestagen Martinelli No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Meade Included not only venous thrombosis Meinel Included not only venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Meurer Review Nightingale Duplicate report on GPRD Farmer and Mediplus Databases Todd Overgaard No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Pearce No comparison was included Petitti No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Pini Included not only venous thrombosis and included recurrent venous thrombosis Porter Less than 10 Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis thrombosis events Porter Less than Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis venous thrombosis events Poulter Data already included WHO Primignani Included not only venous thrombosis Quinn No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose RCPG Included not only venous thrombosis Realini Less than 10 venous thrombosis events Reed Compared with other contraceptives Roach No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Seaman Included recurrent venous thrombosis Seeger Included recurrent venous thrombosis Seigel No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Sidney Incomplete data on contraceptive use Spitzer Publication of study protocol Stolley Included not only venous thrombosis Suissa Duration of contraceptive use on Transnational study, already included LewisLewis Thorogood Included recurrent venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Tosetto No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Tsankova a Compared Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis users versus never users Tsankova b No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Ulmer No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Vallee Review Van Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Meer Review Vessey Included recurrent venous thrombosis Vessey Incomplete data on contraceptive use WHO No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Worralurt Included Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Yang Exposed consisted of hormone replacement therapy users and oral contraceptive users DOI Third generation oral contraceptives and heritable thrombophilia as risk factors of non-fatal venous thromboembolism.
Thromb Haemost ; 79 : 28 - Drospirenone and non-fatal venous thromboembolism: is there a risk difference by dosage of ethinyl-estradiol? Enhancement by factor V Leiden mutation of risk of deep-vein thrombosis associated with oral contraceptives containing a third-generation progestagen.
Lancet ; : - 6. Risk of venous thrombosis with use of current low-dose oral contraceptives is not explained by diagnostic suspicion and referral bias. Arch Intern Med ; Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis 65 - Safety of modern oral contraceptives. Lancet ; : The risks of venous thromboembolic disease among German women using oral contraceptives: a database study. Contraception ; 57 : 67 - A comparison of the risks of venous thromboembolic disease in association with different combined oral contraceptives.
Br J Clin Pharmacol ; 49 : - Gronich N, Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis I, Rennert G [Higher risk of venous thrombosis associated with drospirenone-containing oral contraceptives: a population-based cohort study].
CMAJ ; : E - Pulmonary embolism associated with combined oral contraceptives: reporting incidences and potential risk factors for a fatal Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand ; 83 : - A methodological study on venous thromboembolism and steroid hormone use. Contraception ; 65 : - Use of oral contraceptives containing gestodene and risk of venous thromboembolism: outlook 10 years after Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis third-generation 'pill scare'.
Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis ; 81 : - 7. Venous thromboembolism among new users of different oral contraceptives. Lancet ; : - 8. Risk of nonfatal venous thromboembolism with oral contraceptives containing norgestimate or desogestrel compared with oral contraceptives containing levonorgestrel. Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis ; 73 : - Risk of non-fatal venous thromboembolism in women using oral contraceptives containing drospirenone compared with women using oral contraceptives containing levonorgestrel: case-control study using United States claims data.
BMJ ; : d The increased risk of venous thromboembolism and the use of Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis generation progestagens: role Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis bias in observational research. The Transnational Research Group on Oral Contraceptives and the Health of Young Women. Contraception ; 54 : 5 - Oral contraceptives and venous thromboembolism: a five-year national case-control study. Risk of venous thromboembolism from use of Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis contraceptives containing different progestogens and oestrogen Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Danish cohort study, Interaction between the GA mutation of the prothrombin gene and oral contraceptive use in deep vein thrombosis.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol ; 19 : - 3. Oral contraceptives and fatal pulmonary embolism. Lancet ; Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis - 4. Risk of venous thromboembolism in users of oral contraceptives containing Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis or levonorgestrel: nested case-control study based on UK General Practice Research Database.
Incidence Flecken auf der Haut der Beine mit Krampfadern venous thromboembolism in young Swedish women and possibly preventable cases among combined oral contraceptive users. Venous thromboembolic disease and combined oral contraceptives: A re-analysis of the MediPlus database.
Hum Reprod ; 14 : - 5. The venous thrombotic risk of oral contraceptives, effects of oestrogen dose and progestogen type: results of the MEGA Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis study. BMJ ; : b Venous thromboembolic disease and combined oral contraceptives: results of international multicentre case-control study. The Lancet ; : - Study of Cardiovascular Disease and Steroid Hormone Contraception. Nor Laegeforen ; : - 9. Hormonal contraception, sickle cell trait, and risk for venous thromboembolism among African American women.
Am J Obstet Gynecol ; : A population-based case-control study. Thrombosis Research ; : —8. Oral contraceptives and venous thromboembolic disease, surgically confirmed gallbladder disease, and breast tumours. Lancet ; : - Risk factors for venous thromboembolism in pre- and postmenopausal women. Thrombosis Research Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis : - Pulmonary Embolism in Adolescents. AJDC ; : - Case control Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of the risk factors for deep-vein thrombosis in an adult population hospitalized in internal medicine.
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique ; 45 : - Oral contraceptives and Thromboembolic disease: effects of lowering oestrogen contente. Womens Med ; 44 Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis 19 - Oral contraceptives steroids and thrombophlebitis. J Tenn Med Assoc ; 71 : 22— The safety of a drospirenone-containing oral contraceptive: final results from the European Active Surveillance Study on oral contraceptives based on oral contraceptives based onwomen-years of observation.
Contraception ; 75 : - Risk of see more thromboembolism and the use of dienogest- and drospirenone-containing oral contraceptives: results from a German case-control study.
J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care ; 36 : - 9. Supplementary data collection with case-cohort analysis to address potential confounding in a cohort study of thromboembolism in oral contraceptive initiators matched on claims-based propensity scores.
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf ; 17 : — Population-based study of risk of venous thromboembolism associated with various oral contraceptives. Lancet ; : 83 - 8. Thrombophlebitis among oral contraceptives for contraception.
Obstet Gynecol ; 38 : - Oral contraceptive estrogen dose and the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of deep venous thromboembolic disease. Am J Epidemiol ; : 32 - 7. Effect Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Age on Oral Contraceptive-Induced Venous Thrombosis. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost ; 10 : - Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Prospective study of exogenous hormones and risk of pulmonary embolism in women.
Lancet ; : - 7. Anovulants: thrombosis and other associated changes. Types of Combined Oral Contraceptives Used by Us Women, Including Women at Risk of Venous Thromboembolism. Contraception ; 86 : - 4. Fatal venous thromboembolism associated with different combined oral contraceptives. A study of incidences and potential biases in spontaneous reporting. Drug Safety ; 28 : - Venous thromboembolism and oral contraceptive use: a methodological study of diagnostic suspicion and referral bias.
Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care ; 5 : - Venous thromboembolism in relation to oral contraceptive use. Obstet Gynecol Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis 69 : 91 - 5. Venous thromboembolism and oral contraceptives. Lancet ; : —8. Specific oral contraceptive use and venous thromboembolism resulting in hospital admission.
Cardiovascular death among women under 40 years of age using low-estrogen oral contraceptives Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis intrauterine devices in Finland from to Am J Obstet Gynecol ; : - 4. Risk factors and short-term mortality of venous thromboembolism diagnosed in the primary care setting in the United Kingdom.
Arch Intern Med ; : - Investigation of deaths from pulmonary, coronary, and cerebral thrombosis and embolism in women of child-bearing age. BMJ ; 2 : —9. Thromboembolic Disease and the Steroidal Content of Oral Contraceptives.
A Report to the Committee on Safety of Drugs. British Medical Journal ; 2 : - Thromboembolism and combined oral contraceptives. Spontaneous reporting of adverse drug Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis indicate at Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis similar risk with themost recent contraceptives.
Läkartidningen Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis : - 2. Khirurgiia Mosk ; 12 : 90 - 3. Venous thromboembolism and combined oral contraceptives: does the type of progestogen make a difference? Contraception Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis 62 : 21S—28S. Venous thromboembolism in young women; role of thrombophilic mutations and oral contraceptive use.
Eur Heart J ; 23 : - Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis role of bias in observational studies. Contraception ; 55 : - Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis The differential risk of oral contraceptives: the impact of full exposure history.
Human Reproduction ; Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis : - 9. Oral contraceptives and venous thromboembolism. Contraception ; 57 : - Thrombotic diseases in young women and the influence of oral contraceptives. Am J Obstet Gynecol ; : S62—S Oral contraceptives and thrombosis. Ugeskr Laeger ; 34 : - Hormonal contraception and risk of venous thromboembolism: national follow-up study.
The relationship between lifestyle factors and venous thromboembolism among women: a report from the MISS study. British Journal of Haematology ; : — A Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis cohort study of oral contraceptive use and cardiovascular risks. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf ; 2 : 51 - Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Ergebnisse der Angiologie und Phlebologie ; 4 : 81— Pharmacogenetic Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis of the use of oral contraceptives and the risk of thrombosis.
Pharmacogenetics ; 13 : - Progestogens and cardiovascular reactions associated with oral contraceptives and a comparison of the safety of and mcg конечно, aufgrund dessen, was Krampfadern erscheinen несколько preparations. BMJ ; : - Hormonal contraceptives and cardiovascular risk. Results of an East German multicenter case control study].
Zentralbl Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis ; : - What is the risk of venous thromboembolism VT among Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis taking third generation oral contraceptives COCs in comparison with those taking contraceptives containing levonorgestrel? The Journal of Family Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis ; 50 : The effects of age, body mass index, smoking and Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis health on the risk of venous thromboembolism in users of combined oral contraceptives.
Ugeskr Laeger ; : - Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism reported in the Prescription Event Monitoring Study of Yasmin. British Journal of Clinical Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis ; 60 : 98— Risk of vascular disease in women. Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis, oral contraceptives, noncontraceptive estrogens, and other factors. JAMA ; : - Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. Risk of venous thromboembolism and stroke associated with oral contraceptives.
Role of congenital thrombophilias. Recenti Prog Med ; 87 : - 7. Oral contraceptives and nonfatal города Alkoholat Kastanien von Krampfadern оказалось disease — recent Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. Obstet Gynecol Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis 59 : - Oral contraceptives and nonfatal vascular disease. Obstet Gynecol ; Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis : 1 - 4.
Safety of combined oral contraceptive pills letter. Risk factors for thrombophilia in extrahepatic portal vein obstruction. Hepatology ; 41 : - 8. A Prospective investigation of pulmonary embolism in women and men. JAMA ; : - Oral contraceptives, venous thrombosis, and varicose veins. Journal ofthe Royal College Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis General Practitioners ; 28 : - 9.
Oral contraceptives and venous thromboembolism: a case-control study designed to minimize detection bias. J Am Board Fam Pract ; 10 : - VTE risk in users of combined oral contraceptives: Impact of a day regimen containing Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety ; Conference : - The risk of venous thrombosis in women over 50 years old using oral contraception continue reading postmenopausal hormone therapy.
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis ; 11 : - Venous thromboembolism associated click to see more cyproterone acetate in combination with ethinyloestradiol Dianette1 : observational studies using click to see more UK Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Practice Sanatorium für die Behandlung von Krampfadern Database.
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety ; 13 : — Obstet Gynecol ; 3 : - Oral contraceptives and relative risk of death from Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis and pulmonary thromboembolism in the United States. American Journal of Epidemiology ; 90 1 : 11 - Venous thromboembolic disease in users of low-estrogen combined estrogen-progestin oral contraceptives.
Contraception ; 70 : 3— Trinational case control study of OCs and health. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf ; 2 : 21 - Thrombosis with low-estrogen oral contraceptives. Am J Epidemiol Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis : - First-time use of newer oral contraceptives and the risk of venous thromboembolism. Contraception ; 56 : - 6. Risk Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis for fatal venousthromboembolism in young women: A case-control study.
International Journal of Epidemiology. Prevalence and risk factors of venoud non-fatal venous thromboembolism Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis population of the VITA project. J Thromb Haermost ; 1 : - 9. Impact of oral contraceptives and smoking on arterial and deep venous thrombosis: A retrospective case-control study.
Hospitalization of young women after selected cardiovascular and thromboembolic incidents in Austria and [Hospitalisierung von jungen Frauen nach ausgew ihlten kardiovaskul iren und Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Ereignissen in Osterreich und ].
Soz-Praventivmed ; 42 : - Presse Med Mar 24; 30 : - 6. The Leiden Thrombophilia Study LETS. Thrombosis and Haemostasis ; 78 : - 5. Investigation of relation between use of oral contraceptives andthromboembolic disease. BMJ ; 2 : - 7. Oral contraceptives and venous thromboembolism: findings in a large prospective study.
BMJ ; : Cardiovascular disease and use of oral contraceptives. Bulletin of the World Health Organization ; 67 : - Click the following article factors of venous thromboembolism VT in Thai reproductive aged female: King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital experience.
J Med Assoc Thai ; 88 : - 5. Cardiovascular diseases and the risk of venous thromboembolism: A одном Varizen in 40 Jahren косвенные case-control study.
J Chin Med Assoc ; 70 : - 9. CrossRef PubMed Additional references Bloemenkamp Bloemenkamp KWHelmerhorst FMRosendaal FRVandenbroucke JP. APC resistance: biological basis and acquired influences.
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis ; 8 : - Evaluating non-randomised intervention studies. Health Technology Assessment ; 7 27 : 1 - CrossRef Egger Egger MSmith GDSchneider MMinder C. Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test. Cochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsHospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis 8.
Meta-analyses of adverse effects data derived from randomised controlled trials as compared to observational studies: methodological overview. PLoS Medicine ; 8 : e Risk Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis venous thromboembolic disease associated with hormonal contraceptives and hormonal replacement therapy: a clinical review. Archives of Internal Medicine ; : - Measurement of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of non-invasive diagnostic testing strategies for deep vein thrombosis.
Health Technology Assessment ; 10 15 : 1 - Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Range of published estimates of venous thromboembolism incidence in young women. Contraception ; 75 : — Pharmacology of progestins: 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone derivatives and progestins of the first and second generation. Progestins and antiprogestins in clinical practice. Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, USA, : - Higgins Higgins JPTGreen S editors.
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Version 5. The Cochrane Collaboration, Jansen Jansen JPCrawford BBergman GStam W.
Bayesian meta-analysis of multiple treatment comparisons: an introduction to mixed treatment comparisons. Value in Health ; 11 : - CrossRef Kearon Kearon C. Natural history of venous thromboembolism. Circulation ; : I22 - Third generation oral contraceptives and risk of venous thrombosis: meta-analysis. Effect of second- and third-generation oral contraceptives on fibrinolysis in the absence article source presence of the factor V Leiden Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. Effects of second Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis third generation oral contraceptives and their respective progestagens on the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis system in the absence or presence of the factor V Leiden mutation.
Thrombosis and Haemostasis ; 87 : - Effect of second- and third-generation oral contraceptives on the protein C system in the absence Krampfadern Tabletten presence of the factor V Leiden mutation: a randomized trial.
Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis ; : - Comparison of a Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis contraceptive patch vs. Contraception ; 77 : 77 - Methods to account for attrition in longitudinal data: do they work?
European Journal of Epidemiology ; 20 : - Drugs ; 56 : - 5. Oral contraceptives and venousthromboembolism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Drug Saf ; Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis : - наблюдает Varizen Labia Majora während der Schwangerschaft Behandlung несчастью Incidence and mortality of venous thrombosis: a Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis study.
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis ; 5 : Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. Practice guideline from the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American College of Physicians. Annals of Family Medicine ; 5 : 57 - Comparative effects of a contraceptive vaginal ring delivering a nonandrogenic Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis and continuous ethinylestradiol and a combined oral contraceptive containing levonorgestrel on hemostasis Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ; : 72 - 7.
Tools for assessing quality and susceptibility to Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis in observational studies in epidemiology: a systematic review and annotated bibliography. International Journal of Epidemiology ; 36 : - New progestagens for contraceptive use. Human Reproduction Updates ; 12 : - Pharmacological profile of progestins. Maturitas ; 61 1—2 Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis —7.
Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Data analysis and statistical software. Tans Tans GVan Hylckama Vlieg AThomassen MCCurvers JBertina RMRosing J al.
Activated protein C resistance determined with a thrombin generation-based Medikamente aus Liste der predicts for venous thrombosis in men and women. British Journal of Haematology ; : - Network meta-analysis: simultaneous meta-analysis of common antiplatelet regimens after transient ischaemic attack or stroke.
European Heart Journal ; 29 : - Combined oral contraceptives: risks and benefits. British Medical Bulletin ; 49 : - The risk of deep venousthrombosis associated with injectable depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate contraceptivesor a levonorgestrel intrauterine device. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol ; 30 : - Hormone therapies and venous thromboembolism: where are we now? Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis ; 9 : — Increased risk of venous thrombosis in oral-contraceptive users who Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis carriers of factor V Leiden mutation.
Third-generation oral contraceptive Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis deep venous thrombosis: from epidemiologic source to new insight in coagulation. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis : - Oral contraceptives and the risk of venous thrombosis. New England Journal of Medicine ; : - Benefits and harms of Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis treatments.
What is the best evidence for determining harms of medical treatment? Canadian Medical Association Journal ; : - 6. Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis research, randomised trials, and two views of medical science. PLoS Medicine ; 5 : - Accuracy of clinical assessment of deep-vein thrombosis. Population Reports ; 16 : 1 - White White RH. The epidemiology of venous thromboembolism. Circulation ; : I4 - 8. Consistency and inconsistency in networkmeta-analysis: model estimation using multivariate meta-regression.
Research Synthesis Methods ; 3 : - World Health Organization Collaborative Study of Cardiovascular Disease and Steroid Hormone Contraception.
CrossRef PubMed WHO Anonymous. Cardiovascular disease and steroid hormone contraception. Report of a WHO Scientific Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. World Health Organization Technical Report Series ; : 1— Different Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis oral contraceptives and the risk of venous thrombosis: systematic review and network meta-analysis.
BMJ ; : f CD How do different combined oral contraceptives compare in terms of the risk of venous thrombosis? Number of times cited : 17 1 Peter RambauLinda KelemenHelen SteedMay QuanPrafull Hospitalisierung ThrombophlebitisMartin KöbelAssociation of Hormone Receptor Expression with Survival in Ovarian Endometrioid Carcinoma: Biological Validation and Clinical Implications, International Journal of Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Sciences, 183, CrossRef 2 Anne PowellChoosing the Right Oral Contraceptive Pill for Teens, Pediatric Clinics of North America, 642, CrossRef 3 Samantha PfeiferSamantha Hospitalisierung ThrombophlebitisDaniel Hospitalisierung ThrombophlebitisGregory FossumClarisa Gracia Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis, Andrew La BarberaJennifer MersereauRandall OdemAlan PenziasMargareta PisarskaRobert RebarRichard ReindollarMitchell RosenJay SandlowRebecca SokolMichael VernonEric WidraCombined hormonal contraception and the risk of venous thromboembolism: a guideline, Fertility and Sterility,1, 43 CrossRef 4 Gretchen E.
TietjenStuart A. CollinsHypercoagulability Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Migraine, Headache: The Journal of Head and Face PainWiley Online Library 5 F.
HortonKatharine B. SimmonsKathryn M. CurtisCombined hormonal contraceptive use among obese women and risk for cardiovascular Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis A systematic review, Contraception, 946, CrossRef 9 E.
MeijerCombined oral contraceptives, thrombophilia and the risk of venous thromboembolism: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 147, Wiley Online Library 10 Simon ManthaGerald A.
SoffNonmalignant Hematology,CrossRef 11 Caitlin AllenGinger EvansEliza L. HarperUse of Oral Contraceptives for Management of Acne Vulgaris, Dermatologic Clinics, 342, CrossRef 13 Cochrane Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Answers, Wiley Online Library 14 Rachel E. RoachFrans M HelmerhorstWillem M. LijferingTheo StijnenAle AlgraHospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis M Hospitalisierung ThrombophlebitisRachel E. RoachCochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Wiley Online Library 15 Ginger EvansEliza L.
SuttonOral Contraception, Medical Clinics of North America, 993, CrossRef 16 Denis NoubouossieNigel S. KeySickle cell disease and venous thromboembolism in pregnancy and the puerperium, Thrombosis Research,S46 CrossRef 17 Lyndsey S. BensonElizabeth A. MicksWhy Stop Now? Extended Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Continuous Regimens Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Combined Hormonal Contraceptive Methods, Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America, 424, CrossRef PDF Info References Figures Tables Close article support pane Cochrane Cochrane About Cochrane Cochrane.
Within the same group of participants over time? Were participants allocated to groups by: Which parts of the Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis were prospective: Identification of participants? Assessment of baseline and allocation to intervention? On what variables was comparability between groups assessed: Baseline assessment of outcome variables? Note: Users need to be very clear about the way in Gegen lpg Krampfadern the terms 'group' and 'cluster' are used Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis these tables.
Bloemenkamp Bloemenkamp Heinemann Lidegaard van Hylckama Vlieg WHO a WHO 1 WHO a WHO 2 Heinemann Lidegaard Parkin WHO b Andersen Martinelli Samuelsson Farmer Hedenmalm Farmer Farmer Gronich Herings Jick Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis Todd Total can here total number of women in the group, or the total follow-up time. Adjustment for confounding: yes matched Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Jamaica, Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis, UK.
Other hormonal contraceptives, such as transdermal patch, vaginal ring, were included Included progestagen-only contraceptives and retinal vein thrombosis Compared drospirenone versus other oral contraceptive users Included recurrent venous thrombosis and cerebral vein thrombosis Report on Transnational study, already included Собрался Salbe von Krampfadern Preis былоLewis Data already included: Herings No extractable number of exposed and non-exposed women Report on Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis study, already included Lewis Report on Transnational study, already included: LewisLewis Updated study see Lidegaard Updated study of this study Lidegaard is included Included not Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Duplicate report on GPRD Farmer and Mediplus Databases Todd Included not only venous thrombosis and included recurrent venous thrombosis Duration of contraceptive use on Transnational study, already included LewisLewis Included recurrent venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Included recurrent venous thrombosis and Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose Exposed Tablette beste Krampfadern Bewertungen für of hormone replacement therapy users and oral contraceptive users.
Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis
Tuberkulose des Atmungssystems oder andere Formen der TBC. Wenn die TBC therapiert und die Behandlung ordentlich abgeschlossen wurde, kann eine Kur-Rehabilitationstherapie nach Zustimmung des Pneumologen vorgeschlagen und erlaubt werden.
Klinische Anzeichen von Kreislaufversagen, betrifft nicht Indikationen der Gruppe Hospitalisierung Thrombophlebitis. Betrifft nicht die Indikationen der Gruppen IX und XXIX — Anorexie. Die langandauernde hormonale Antitumortherapie ist nicht kontraindikativ. Die Therapie kann geleistet werden nach just click for source des Neurologen, bei dem der Patient in Dispensairebetreuung ist.
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© AGO e. V. in der DGGG e.V. sowie in der DKG e.V. Guidelines Breast Version Case Oxford Levels of Evidence (LOE) LOE Therapy/Prevention.
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