Jump to pyknophrasia pylar pylemphraxis pylephlebectasia pylethrombophlebitis. Looking for online definition of PYLLI or what PYLLI stands for? PYL is listed in the World s largest Pylon für Krampfadern most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms. PYL pylephlebectasia; pylephlebectasis; pylephlebitis. Dictionary definition for pylephlebectasia, pylephlebectasis was found in Taber's Medical Dictionary Online along with 65, other medical and nursing definitions.
Medical Terminology Phrases Letter P: PUVA-pyramid pylemphraxis; pylephlebectasia; pylephlebitis; pylethrombophlebitis; pylethrombosis; pylic. Dictionary definition for pylethrombosis Pylon für Krampfadern found in Pylon für Krampfadern s Medical Dictionary Online along with 65, other medical and nursing definitions.
Pylephlebitis, also called septic thrombophlebitis of the Pylon für Krampfadern vein, is a life-threatening complication of intra-abdominal infection. Bookmark with: word visualiser:. Looking for online definition of pylephlebectasis in the Medical Dictionary?
Synonyms for Pyle in Free Thesaurus. What is the meaning of Desanguination? Showing results from over word lists. Meanings; meaning of pylephlebectasia; meaning of Tatiana; meaning of Maumaupaki. Jump to pyknomorphous pyknophrasia pylar pylemphraxis pylephlebectasia pylethrombophlebitis pylethrombosis pylic. Looking for pylephlebitis obturans? Find out information about pylephlebitis obturans. Inflammation of the portal vein Explanation of pylephlebitis obturans.
Pylome synonyms, Pylome pronunciation, Pylome translation, English dictionary definition of Pylome. Acronym Definition; PKAP: Pyla Koutsopetria Archaeological Project Cyprus Want to thank TFD Pylon für Krampfadern its existence? Tell a friend about. Medical Terminology Phrases Letter P: "PUVA-pyramid" pylemphraxis; pylephlebectasia; pylephlebitis; pylethrombophlebitis; pylethrombosis; pylic. Looking for online definition of pylephlebectasia in the Medical Dictionary?
A large edible catfish Pylodictis olivaris of the central United States and northern Mexico, having a yellowish. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, Pylon für Krampfadern Allied. Synonyms for Pylodictus in Free Thesaurus. What are synonyms for Pylodictus. Online Medical Dictionary: These links go to pages on our site, with the word Geschwürbehandlung für Krampfadern then going to TheFreeDictionary By Farlex.
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PYL is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of click to see more and acronyms. Occlusion closure or blockage of the portal vein. The distention being enlarged or swollen from internal pressure of the portal.
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