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October November 3, Applied Anatomy in Surgery: The Anatomic Renaissance. Royal Melbourne Hospital, University of Melbourne, Australia. Over the last 25 years, there has been an anatomic renaissance that has had a major impact on reconstructive plastic surgery and tissue transfer. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum introduction of the free flap, the revival of the musculocutaneous flap, and the development of the fasciocutaneous Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, have all required a reappraisal of the blood supply of the various body tissues in a search for suitable source sites for transplantation.
Inwe introduced the concept of the angiosome, after analyzing a series of total body lead oxide injection and dissection studies. Based on the results, the body Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum mapped anatomically into three-dimensional vascular territories.
Ina similar anatomic study of the venous network of the body revealed composite venous territories that matched their arterial counterparts. Thus, each angiosome could be subdivided anatomically into Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum arterial arteriosome and venous venosome territories. Subsequently, our anatomic studies were expanded to evaluate the neurovascular relationships in the skin and the underlying muscles, and our findings were published Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum This allowed us to develop new donor Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum for sensate skin flaps, and to provide refined functioning muscle transfers.
Other studies have focused on Doppler flowmetry to plan the base and axis of the flap and a re-evaluation of the delay phenomenon to enhance flap survival. Illustrative procedures were demonstrated. Aesthetic Nasal Reconstruction with Free Microvascular link Walton and Gary C.
Section of Plastic Surgery, University of Chicago, Illinois, U. In cases of subtotal and total nasal loss, traditional methods for reconstruction have fallen short in achieving ideal function and aesthetics. A common link to these shortcomings has been the inadequacy of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum lining.
The introduction of microsurgical techniques for nasal reconstruction initially offered great promise by delivering to the operative Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum ample volumes of unsullied, well-vascularized tissue for reconstruction. However, these expectations were short-lived, because the tradition of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum large, bulky flaps could not be applied to the small dimensions and reconstructive demands imposed by the thin, delicate, three-dimensional nasal lining.
Over the past four years, we have had the unique opportunity of collaborating on a number of total and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum nasal reconstructions.
We have meshed our collective experiences in aesthetic nasal reconstruction and reconstructive microsurgery to forge a unique reconstructive pathway that has led to a new Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum exciting approach to management. We presented our first seven sequential Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum reconstructions for major nasal deformity. The patients included four males and three females, with patient ages averaging 47 years range: 5 to 75 years.
Follow-up averaged 12 months Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 5 to 29 months. Our approach to management proceeded according to the following plan.
The reconstruction was performed in stages with the soft-tissue lining and associated components provided first and braced with lamina of cartilage or bone to maintain shape and to resist contraction. Microvascular islands 1 to 3 of tissue were designed on the palmar forearm, anterior leg, chest, or groin to restore the various subunits of the surface of the face cheek, nasal lining, nasal Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, columella Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, to restore nasal volume, or to provide vascularized structural support.
Nasal support and external cover were provided during a second procedure. For this purpose, we employed various combinations of cantilevered bone or cartilage grafts Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum by a mortised vertical strut, septal pivotal Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, carved bony or cartilagenous side walls, and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum tip grafts usually from the ear. Our preferred method was the construction of a light tripod of bone and cartilage resting on the frontal bone, bilateral maxillae, and nasal spine, which supports the nose, while preserving a wide-open airway.
A vertical paramedian forehead flap is used for nasal cover. Following the application of the paramedian forehead flap, one to three subsequent interventions are required for precision sculpting, and inset of the flap pedicle. Seven reconstructions utilizing this approach have been concluded and were presented in detail. There were no flap losses.
Current Role of Microsurgery in the Treatment of Hemifacial Microsomia. Source of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez, Mexico City, Mexico. Distraction osteogenesis DOG has become the current treatment for the vast majority of patients with hemifacial microsomia HMS. However, a large group of patients still require microsurgical procedures to correct different anomalies that cannot be improved using other surgical techniques.
Twenty-eight patients with HMS were Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum on during the last 3 years, using 31 microsurgical procedures. HMS deformity was classified as Pruzansky I in 1 patient 3. All ist, wie trophische Geschwür behandeln but one had undergone DOG previously, and non-vascularized bone grafts had been used in 12 patients. Soft-tissue free flaps were used to improve facial contour and symmetry in 21 patients A wax template of the defect was obtained from an acrylic mask in each patient.
This template was used to design Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum free flap and to determine the amount of required tissue in a 3-D fashion. The fibula osteocutaneous free flap was used in 8 patients Cross-nerve grafts and functional muscle transfer anterior serratus were used in 2 patients 6.
Facial symmetry was considered excellent in 17 patients This was corrected orthodontically after an average of 8 months. Functional recovery and symmetry were partially improved in the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum patients with facial palsy, due to severe craniofacial deformity. Although DOG has proved to be very useful to correct skeletal and soft-tissue alterations in HMS patients, microsurgical techniques are still very valuable for severe deformities Pruzansky IIb and III.
The deepithelialized scapular free flap is the best option to improve facial contour, and the fibula free flap is used to reconstruct the ascending ramus and to provide soft-tissue volume in one stage.
Esthetic and Functional Reconstruction for Burn Deformities of the Lower Face and Neck with the Free Radial Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Flap. Jong-Wook Leee, Young-Chul Jang, and Suk-Joon Oh. Plastic Surgery, Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital, Seoul, Korea. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, burn injuries produce deformities both of facial contour and facial cover. Hypertrophic burn scar contracture of the lower face and neck Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum problematic, because Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum distresses patients, both functionally and aesthetically.
In planning the correction of lower face and neck Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, the aim should be not only to reestablish normal form and function, but also to achieve, if possible, an aesthetic appearance. When there was как Krampfadern der Gebärmutter Forum повозившись available skin adjacent to the area of deformity, the authors have used the radial forearm flap for reconstruction, in order to restore a normal facial shape and position, and homogeneity of the quality of facial skin coverage.
There were no noteworthy complications after reconstruction of six patients. For better outcomes, the authors recommended the following: 1 release and resurfacing of neck contracture should be carried out in advance; 2 the lower margin of the flap should be limited to at least one finger-breadth above the hyoid bone, because a low setting of the flap compromises the cervicomental angle; 3 adhesion between the flap dermis and wound bed may be necessary for reconstruction of a dumbbell-shaped lower lip subunit.
Burn deformities of the lower face and neck were resurfaced with the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum radial forearm flap.
Results did not appear completely normal, but were compatible with the adjacent skin. The authors achieved adequate functional resurfacing and optimal aesthetic outcomes, while minimizing Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum contractures. Evaluation Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Volume Ratio between Defect and Flap in Reconstructive Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum for Head and Neck Cancer.
Plastic Surgery, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan. Flap selection after tumor resection has been widely discussed, but little has been said about the relationship between the size of the defect and the volume of the transplanted tissue. The authors believe that the volume of transplanted tissue has a greater influence on the final result than the type of flap utilized.
They therefore investigated the results of free tissue transfer on the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of flap volume. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum patients Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum underwent free tissue transfers for head and neck cancers were analyzed. There were 22 cases of tongue cancer, 10 cases Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum middle Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum cancer, 3 cases of oral floor cancer, and 1 case of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum mucosal cancer.
The rectus abdominis MC flap was used in the greatest number of cases 24followed by the radial forearm flap and thigh flap. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and flap volumes were calculated by measuring the volume of saline displaced from a container of saline Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum was submerged.
The difference in volume between the defect and the transplanted flap volume ratio was investigated, regarding the incidence of complications and the functional results. The latter, including Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum ability to communicate and to accept food, was evaluated by quantitative classification of patients' replies to questioning.
There was no relationship between volume ratio and the incidence of abscess or fistula formation. With respect to its relationship to functional results, the volume ratio had little influence with tongue cancer patients, but did have a relationship with middle pharynx cancer patients.
The increased volume of transferred tissue did not Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the occurrence of leaks, although it appeared to have obliterated dead space. For tongue cancer patients, other thicker flaps can be substituted for the thin forearm flap, when the latter is here desirable for cosmetic reasons.
In middle pharynx cancer patients, a lack or an excess of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum volume may result Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the disturbance of food acceptance. The Anterolateral Thigh Flap as the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Method for Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Reconstruction. University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The authors illustrated their choice of the anterolateral thigh flap in hypopharyngeal reconstruction.
From untileight patients had hypopharyngeal reconstructions with anterolateral thigh flaps. In two patients, a large skin island was required to reconstruct irradiated skin in the neck. In one patient, there was no success in elevating an anterolateral flap, and an anteromedial flap was used. The fascia lata was included in all but one flap. From toseven patients in the authors' hospital underwent hypopharyngeal reconstruction with radial forearm flaps, which was their preferred method at that time.
Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum functional results of both the radial forearm flap and anterolateral thigh flap are comparable. But, if donor-site morbidity of the radial forearm flap and the anterolateral thigh flap is evaluated, the latter is superior both cosmetically and functionally; it has become the standard in hypopharyngeal reconstruction for these authors.
Double-Barreled Free Vascularized Fibula in Mandibular Reconstruction with Dental Ivanovo Krampfadern. Sobhi Hweidi, Gaber Trinken Gelatine mit Krampfadern, Emad Tolba, Tarek Alnemr, and Wail Ayad.
Department of Plastic Surgery and Microsurgery, Zagazig University, Egypt. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the authors' experience with the double-barreled free vascularized fibula in mandibular reconstruction. This technique increases the bone height of the graft and allows for better conditions for dental restoration. The procedure was used in 26 patients. A fibular graft corresponding to at least double Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum length of the mandibular defect was harvested.
Eleven patients were primarily reconstructed, and the rest secondarily. The average length of the fibular graft harvested was 23 cm, and the number of fibular osteotomy sites ranged from one to four. To produce a double-barreled design, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum resulting Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum are folded on top Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum each other, and fixed with miniplates and screws. Six months after healing of the graft, osseointegrated implants are applied.
Usually, three implants were used for a hemi-mandibular defect. All patients demonstrated rapid healing at the osteotomy sites, and smooth attachment from the graft to the native bone radiographically. The postoperative facial appearance and symmetry were judged to be Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum in all patients.
When compared with the conventional single-barreled fibula transplant, the double-barreled graft achieved greater bone Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and markedly reduced the vertical distance to the occlusion Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. The use of the double-barreled fibula Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the available bone height Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum implant placement, which increases the survival rate of the osseointegrated implants.
Increasing bone height also creates better conditions for prosthetic rehabilitation by bringing the bone level nearer to the plane of occlusion. Cosmetic and Functional Reconstruction Combined with Fibular Flap and Dental Implant.
Mataga Izumi, Kaneko Takashi, Ishihara Osamu, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Watanabe, and Yorio Suzuki. Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery II, and Crown and Bridge, School of Dentistry at Niigata, Nippon Dental University; and Division of Orthopedics, Rinkou General Hospital, Niigata, Japan. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, not only cosmetic, but also functional rehabilitation, has been required for oral and maxillofacial reconstruction following cancer ablation.
Revascularized osteocutaneous flaps have been considered Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum best indications for poor recipient conditions, such as high-dose irradiation, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum multiple surgeries, and large bony defects remaining after oncologic surgery.
For these reconstructions, the fibular osteoseptocutaneous flap is one Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum several advantages, and also allows the use of dental implants into grafted fibula for rehabilitation of oral function. In this reported series, results of the reconstructions and utilization as pre-prosthetic procedures were discussed.
Reconstructed locations included 7 mandibles and 1 maxilla. Tumors were dissected by Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum segmental mandibulectomies, 1 subtotal mandibulectomy, 1 hemi-mandibulectomy, and 1 partial maxillectomy at primary surgery. These Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum were reformed by fibula with from one to four osteotomies, and fixation by titanium mini-plates.
Harvested fibulas were 6 to 20 cm in length, and cutaneous flaps were used for here soft-tissue adaptation or flap monitoring. All implants could be installed in the position designed before installation, with attention taken to prosthetic considerations.
As to the timing of the placement of endosseous implants, 2 were installed at the same time as reconstruction, and others were delayed for at least 6 months. A total number of 41 endosseous implants were placed in fibula.
Three of five implants in 1 of 2 patients placed at the time of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum did not obtain osseointegration. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum these patients, implants were placed again 1 year later. The cumulative survival rate of implants was The authors confirmed that the fibular osteocutaneous flap is useful for mandibular reconstruction, especially for wide-range defects, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum also that the fibula is an adequate bone for the placement of endosseous implants.
Chimeric Genicular Flap for Salvage of Primary Mandibular Reconstruction. Chuang, and Mortem Kildal. Department of Plastic Surgery, Chang Gung Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan. Osteoradionecrosis of the reconstructed mandible constitutes one of the most serious complications of postoperative radiotherapy for head and neck tumors, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum its management poses a Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum to the reconstructive surgeon.
These authors reported their experience in managing these cases with chimeric genicular flaps based on a descending genicular axis. This flap can include an osteoperiosteal component or coritocancellous chunk and fasciocutaneous paddle with sartorius muscledepending on recipient site requirements. Six patients had buccal cancer excised with segmental mandibulectomy and the mandible reconstructed with free osteoseptocutaneous fibular grafts. Following postoperative radiotherapy, they developed soft-tissue, as well as Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, defect with exposed plate.
The size of the soft-tissue defect Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 6 x 10 cm, and the defect in the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum averaged from 4 to 8 cm. The indications for using the chimeric genicular flap were 1 the bone defect was too small to justify the use of another fibular osteoseptocutaneous flap, and 2 the anxiety of the patient about sacrificing another fibula. Bone was placed in the gap, bone grafts from the same donor site placed around the defect, and a plate was applied.
The donor sites were all closed primarily. All the flaps survived. There was necrosis of the tip go here one flap, which was debrided and which healed with skin grafting. Salvage procedures are more complicated and challenging, as there could be associated bone or soft-tissue infection, and patients may be debilitated by multiple surgical procedures, chronic wounds, and malnutrition.
Also, because of irradiation, the local area becomes scarred, with diminished vascularity. The descending genicular flap has Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum advantages, as no major artery needs to be sacrificed, the skin is hairless and can be made neurosensory, the skin flap is of large size, and there is minimal donor-site deformity.
Mirosurgical Reconstruction for Mandibular Defects. Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Bombay, India. Advances in reconstructive microsurgery and the ability to reconstruct Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum bone defects, using a living bone graft, have created new opportunities in the reconstructive surgery of mandibular reconstruction.
Congenital or post-traumatic hypoplasia, post-infective, and post-traumatic or post-excision defects with large bone defects of the mandible, are best treated with microvascular reconstitution, using either osteotomized fibula. The Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the bone graft by serial osteotomies, without compromising the strength of the graft, and adaptability to different needs, have made these grafts choices over other autogenous or alloplastic materials for such reconstruction.
The fibula is supplied by the anterior tibial and peroneal vessels, and the head of the fibula Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum an un-united epiphysis or about 30 CMS of diaphyseal shaft, can be harvested on these vessels singly or in conjunction with both the vessels. The fibula provides a strong cortical bone, with no сидел als die Beine von Krampfadern während der Schwangerschaft zu schmieren было deficit at the donor site.
Patients ranged in Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum from 3 to 55 years, and have been followed-up for a period ranging between 2 and 5 years. Repeated x-rays, radioisotope bone scan, and 3-D CT scan have been used for pre- and postoperative assessment and for follow-up Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. In all cases, there has been excellent osteointegration and consolidation of the osteotomized fibular bone graft as a neo-mandible.
Despite the reliability and consistent anatomy of the first Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum metacarpal artery DMAutilization Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum it as a free flap has not been previously described, and only a single case of a free second DMA flap has been reported.
The majority of the applications of this flap have been as fascial, fasciocutaneous, or even reverse flaps for reconstruction of local thumb or first web space defects. The authors presented a case utilizing microsurgical free Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum transfer of a double island free first DMA flap for Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of a nasal septal and vestibular defect.
The patient was a year-old former Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum smoker, who underwent near total nasal resection, including portions of the left cheek and left upper lip, followed by radiation therapy Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum treatment of a basal cell carcinoma. The nasal lining was restored utilizing a radial forearm free flap, with subsequent placement of rib cartilage grafts for support, and a paramedian forehead Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum for nasal skin cover.
The composite nasal reconstruction was surgically thinned to refine it in a Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of additional procedures. This resulted in necrosis of the membranous septal portion of the nasal lining flap, with exposure of the underlying cartilage support. To salvage the reconstruction, restoration of the bilateral membranous septal lining was required. Ideally, this demanded that the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum be small, thin, and could be inset with minimal trauma to the reconstructed nose, without distorting it or causing nasal airway obstruction.
The first DMA was selected for this purpose. The course of the first DMA was identified via percutaneous Doppler, and the flap was designed with double skin islands 1.
The first DMA and its Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum venae comitantes were anastomosed end-to-side to the pedicle of the previous radial forearm free flap. The donor site was closed with a full-thickness skin graft. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and went on to successfully complete her nasal reconstruction. This case is the first to report the use of a first DMA free flap, and it was successful in fulfilling the special requirements of an intranasal reconstruction without compromising the aesthetic result or the mechanical airway.
Clearly, the DMA flap has very specific indications, and has its limitations. The vascular pedicle is very reliable, and its course is easily traced utilizing the hand-held Doppler.
The donor site confers no functional deformity, but is highly visible. If closed meticulously Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum a full-thickness skin graft, however, it is quite acceptable, especially in the older patient.
While the flap size is small, the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum vascular pedicle makes it quite useful in nasal reconstruction, or in other reconstructions in which a small amount of thin tissue is required. Color match in the face, as in all remote flaps, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum be problematic, if required for skin cover in this area.
The pedicle vessels may be small, and this may pose potential technical problems in transfer. Finally, patients who are obese may have relatively thick flaps that may be unsuitable for use in special areas such as the nose.
Burned Neck Reconstruction Using Various Versions Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the Microvascular Augmented Subdermal Vascular Network Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum in the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Area.
Hiko Hyakusoku, Ritsu Aoki, Jian-Hau Gao, David G. Departments of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery, Nippon Medical School Hospital, Tokyo, Japan; Nan-fan Hospital, Guangzhou, China; Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia; and National Institute of Burns, Hanoi, Vietnam. The microvascular augmented subdermal vascular network flap was presented by the authors as a microvascular augmented occipito-cervical-dorsal OCD super-thin flap in The original flap had an augmentation of the circumflex scapular vessels.
Following this report, over 20 flaps were successfully performed. Another new choice of the pedicle is a vascular or muscular pedicle of the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum artery SCA and veins. A skin island subdermal vascular network SVN flap can be elevated with this pedicle.
In addition, we selected the dorsal intercostal perforator s DICP for an augmentation, when a flap had to be designed in another course or of an extremely large size. In the authors' study, the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum or seventh dorsal intercostal perforators Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum useful for vascular Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. They were used for augmenting OCD of SCA subdermal vascular network flaps.
Moreover, free or pedicled scapular flaps with these augmentation vessels have been used successfully for reconstructing the neck and axilla. The flaps demonstrated were the DICP augmented OCD SVN flap, the DICP Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum SCA SVN flap, and the DICP augmented scapular SVN flap. In some cases, only the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum intercostal perforator veins were anastomosed for venous drainage.
When the flap size is long or wide, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum beyond the central line of the body, augmentation of an artery and vein is needed for safer transposition. Several successful cases with long-term results and modifications were presented.
Computer-Simulated Occlusion-Adjusted Prefabricated 3-D Mirror Image Templates in Difficult Cases of Head and Neck Reconstruction. C Chen, and C. Departments of Plastic Surgery and ENT, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Central University. The majority Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum complications involved malocclusion which prevents check this out coordinated dental arch from osseointegrating tooth insertion.
A prefabricated 3-D mirror image template based on Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum surgery aids in adjusting occlusion, and assists in microvascular flap insertion during reconstructive Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Three patients underwent the microvascular transfer of vascularized fibula flaps and suffered from severe malocclusion, causing headache, TMJ pain, unsymmetrical faces, and inability to undergo further osseointegrating tooth insertion.
The authors demonstrated a video presentation, that was developed to do the computer-simulating surgery on the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Ultimate occlusion was acceptable and facial symmetry was obtained.
The success of computer-simulated occlusion-adjusted 3-D mirror image templates supports the use of vascularized bone free flaps in restoring continuity to the mandible in this series. A coordinated arch is of use in further osseointegrating tooth insertion.
Vascularized Toe Joint Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum for Hand Joint Replacement. Michael Wong and Tsu-Min Tsai. Kleinert Institute, Louisville, Kentucky, U.
Finger joint reconstruction using a vascularized toe joint transfer is a well-established treatment. InBuncke and colleagues reported their successful transfer of a vascularized MCP Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of a severely traumatized index finger to the PIP joint of the adjacent long finger. These authors' clinical experience with vascularized joint transfers began inand has evolved Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum include double-joint transfers on one pedicle.
Vascularized joint transfer is indicated in either joint or epiphyseal destruction not amenable to arthroplasty. In children, the best indication is MCP and IP or PIP joint injury with epiphyseal damage. The most commonly performed vascularized joint transfer to the hand uses the second toe PIP joint as donor. The surgery was well-described.
For double-joint transfer of the MTP and PIP joints on a single vascular pedicle, the second toe is dissected with its pedicle to the distal phalanx, preserving the distal commissural vessels, maintaining MTP joint vascularity through tibial branches of the first dorsal metatarsal artery, while PIP joint Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum is maintained through retrograde flow through fibular digital artery branches.
This technique may be used to replace two adjacent MCP joints or two nonadjacent MCP joints. Another double-joint transfer that has been performed uses two adjacent PIP joints supplied by the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum plantar artery. Tibial and fibular vessels from the second plantar metatarsal artery are delineated and ligated at the DIP jointwhile preserving branches to each PIP joint. Although these authors have limited experience with the latter technique of double-joint transfer, it is their preferred method for several reasons.
Despite additional morbidity in using a here donor toe, the patient will still have 5 toes. More important, the vascular pedicle length to each PIP joint from the second plantar metatarsal artery enables a combination of joints to be replaced: two adjacent PIP joints, an adjacent PIP and More info joint, or two MCP joints, whether adjacent or separated, by one normal, non-thumb metacarpal.
If the recipient extensor mechanism was preserved, gentle range of motion ROM exercises for the PIP joint are started on postoperative day 2, protected by a dynamic dorsal block splint. After 2 to 3 weeks, when graft survival is assured, the patient is placed in a brace and encouraged to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum more aggressively under physical therapy guidance, performing both active and passive ROM exercises.
Compiling results of almost 20 reports, 79 patients have undergone 89 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum transfers: 51 adults 54 joints28 children 35 joints ; 74 patients-single joints, 5 patients-double joints.
Total active ROM averaged 32 degrees in adult patients and 37 degrees in children. Forty-eight of the patients required tenolysis or capsulotomy for extensor tendon adhesions. Free Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum joint transfer can provide patients with a useful ROM and good lateral stability. Dynamic splinting and good postoperative physical therapy can improve the transferred joint ROM. Moreover, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum may be useful in maintaining growth in children whose joint injury involves the growth plate.
In epiphyseal transfer, the authors prefer the MTP joint Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the PIP joint for its larger growth plate. Thus, free vascularized single- and double-joint transfers are viable options for treating traumatized finger joints in the growing child and mature adult.
Joint Reconstruction with Free Vascularized Osteochondral Transplantation in the Upper Extremity. Duke Whan Chung and Ki Bong Kim. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. The purpose of this Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum was to introduce a reconstructive method for major joint defects of the upper extremity Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum free vascularized Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and joint transplantation.
The authors had experience of 16 cases of joint reconstruction with free vascularized fibular head or metatarsal joints. The affected joints were 12 wrists, 3 shoulders, and 1 elbow joint.
The average age of the patients was The average follow-up period was 6. The etiologies of the joint defect were 7 traumatic, 3 infection sequelae, 3 congenital, and 3 tumorous conditions.
Donor bone and cartilage of this transplantation surgery included 15 fibular heads with metaphysis and one case of double metatarsal joints transplanted to the elbow joint. The authors evaluated the joint conditions and fate of the transplanted osteochondral parts during the follow-up period Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum serial radiographic study and functional joint evaluation. Transplanted bony portions united to recipient bone within 5 months Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum more info cases Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 4.
The articular cartilage of the donor bone survived with expectable outcome Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 13 cases; maintained continuous growth potential was observed in children in both volume and length of the bone and cartilage. Adoptive changes of the transplanted osteochondral part were observed in 13 cases. In the case of elbow reconstruction with double metatarsal joint transplantation, there was persistent lateral instability and weakness of joint power.
Free vascularized osteochondral transplantation to the defective joint portion in major joints of the upper extremity can be utilized as one of the most challenging methods in profound joint lesions that present no other effective solutions with conventional modalities. The proximal osteochondral part Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the fibula can serve as a very effective donor in this procedure.
Free vascularized metatarsal joint transplantation to the elbow joint could not Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum sufficient stability, even though double metatarsal joints were transplanted. Reconstruction of the Elbow Joint by Metatarsophalangeal Joint Transfer from the Second and Third Toes. Hitoshi Miura, Satoshi Toh, Kenji Tsubo, Satoru Kudoh, and G. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hirosaki University Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of Medicine, Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, Japan.
The authors performed vascularized metatarsophalangeal joint MTP Krampfadern Fußes von Symptome des transfer from the second and third toes for two cases of severe open injury of the elbow Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. The patients were an year-old man and a year-old man; both had been injured in traffic accidents.
There were large bone and cartilage defects in the elbow joints. After Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of the second and third MTP joints, the joints were transferred into each elbow joint and fixed. One artery and two veins were anastomosed.
Donor Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum were covered with free peroneal flaps. Three weeks after surgery, range of motion exercises were begun with the assistance of a Compass universal hinge.
In each case, the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum joints survived completely. In one case, the transferred MTP joints were gradually dislocated, because the patient Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum not maintain application of the brace, but he has no current complaints of pain.
In the other case, no of the transferred joints occurred, but the peroneal flap at the donor site became necrotic, and the second and third toes were amputated due to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. The procedure was recommended to patients with complete defects of the elbow joint, who are young and who do not desire an arthrodesis procedure.
New Concept of Digital Nail Reconstruction. Wen-Ming Hsu and Chen Yang. Chi-Mei Foundation H, Taiwan. Considering size discrepancy and short nail deformity, a new concept was proposed for microsurgical reconstruction Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the digital nail and its surrounding tissue.
Ten patients with 11 digits were injured, involving the dorsum of the digits and total nail germinal matrix loss, along with some skin necrosis. They received a microsurgical second toe nail transfer to resurface the defect. Six of them were treated by conventional microsurgical nail transfer, four were treated combined with nail bed elongation, by preserving some residual distal nail bed and eponychium, if present.
The last case received only partial nail matrix, nail bed, and fold transfer. A split-thickness skin graft from the instep was used to cover the donor defect.
All procedures were successful and the patients were satisfied at the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum result. In comparing appearance, those digits receiving elongation of the nail bed were more like a hand nail than a toe nail. Details of the techniques were reported. Microsurgical Indications for Aesthetic and Functional Nail Reconstruction. Yuichi Hirase, Tadao Kojima, Keizou Fukumoto, and Toshihito Yamaguchi.
Saitama Hand Surgery Institute, Saitama Seikeikai Hospital, Higashi-matsuyama, Japan. The hand is usually naked Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum exposed, and is an essential organ in daily life. If a portion of a finger is lacking, this creates a great functional disadvantage.
In such cases, an adequate Wie man Beine behandeln should be selected, considering the condition of the portion Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the finger remaining.
In order to select an appropriate reconstructive method, the authors have used a classification of amputation level to determine the operative method. Type A: the nail matrix is not injured, and von Krampfadern than two-thirds of the distal phalangeal bone remains.
Type A: A combined method of finger island arterial flap and split-thickness nail bed graft Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the toe.
For aesthetic reconstruction of both the donor and recipient sites, minimum harvesting from the toe should be performed, by Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum combination with a finger flap at the recipient site. Thus, microsurgical transfer Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum indicated in cases of amputation proximal to type B Pedicled Perforator Flaps in Upper Limb Reconstruction.
Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Az. Over the past 30 years, many varieties of soft-tissue flaps have been described and successfully adopted into clinical practice. Random flaps can be considered as the ancestors of more sophisticated flaps, in Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum a named pedicle was related to the blood supply of a defined area of skin, allowing a more reliable outline of the flap and improving the arc of rotation.
The possibility of harvesting a proximal flap based on a reverse flow pedicle further enlarged the reconstructive boundaries in the upper Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum in soft-tissue repair. Flaps based on perforator vessels are one of the most recent families and offer several advantages: they provide skin of good quality without the sacrifice of a major vessel; they can be harvested almost anywhere a perforator vessel can be detected; they Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum not need fascia, since they are based on the subdermal plexus; and they are relatively easy to dissect.
Over the past year, nine flaps based on the perforator arterial system have been raised, in order to cover soft-tissue defects in the upper limb. Four of them were supplied by small unnamed arteries available in the proximity of the skin defect.
The remaining Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum flaps were based on an adipofascial strip containing the perforator networks arising from the radial artery and from the posterior interosseous artery. All the transferred flaps survived and successfully accomplished their purpose. However, two flaps based on Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum adipofascial pedicle from the radial artery click to see more skin necrosis and required secondary coverage of the exposed subcutaneous tissue with a skin graft.
The upper limb, particularly the forearm, is a very versatile donor Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, and many local and locoregional flaps have been described for the coverage of small Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum medium soft-tissue defects.
The Chinese flap and the posterior interosseous Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum are probably the most popular procedures, and they have been continuously refined over the last years. The former provides a Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum amount of skin of good quality, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum needs the preservation of the palmar arches and the sacrifice of the radial artery.
The donor scar is usually Walnüsse Krampfadern und unaesthetic. Just click for source posterior interosseous flap is Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum on a this web page artery, but the dissection Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum difficult and time-consuming.
Both of them can be complicated by venous problems related to reverse flow drainage. Perforator flaps are based on very small direct arteries which Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum from the deep vascular networks and supply the subdermal plexus perforating the fascia. The feeding pedicle must be included in the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum flap, but can be quite eccentric, allowing rotation of the flap up to degrees.
This type of perforator flap should be harvested in the proximity of the defect. When more distant skin is required, a radial flap or an interosseous flap based on Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum adipofascial perforator pedicle may be preferred.
The Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum results of the clinical application of such procedures convinced the authors that perforator Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum are Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum invasive than traditional flaps, can be raised more quickly, present a lower complication rate, and are therefore useful Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum in the hands of the reconstructive microsurgeon.
Osteomuscular Free Serratus Anterior Flaps in the Repair of Bone Defects. Georgescu, Ivan Ovidiu, C. Melincovici, Serbu Simona, and L. Plastic Surgery Clinic, University of Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The relative ease of harvesting, the possibility of using different varieties and numbers of muscular components, and the relatively long pedicle make the free serratus anterior flap an important competitor to the latissimus dorsi flap in the coverage of complex osteocutaneous defects.
Between andthe authors used this flap in 21 consecutive cases, 16 males and 5 females aged between 4 and 54 years. The etiology of the defects was post-traumatic, and the cases involved the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 2forearm 4Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 9leg 4and foot 2.
The flap was used predominantly in complex defects, either infected Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum with a Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum risk of infection.
The flaps were harvested with a bony Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, including one or two segments of rib. In five cases, the flap was part of a double simultaneous or consecutive free transfer associated with the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum dorsi Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum or the Chinese flap 1.
A single flap was lost due to an irreversible arterial thrombosis, but the bony component survived and was covered with another flap. Minor superficial or distal necroses were observed in Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum cases, and usually resolved spontaneously. In all cases, the bony fragment consolidated, and radiographs at 12 months demonstrated very good integration. The flaps were monitored for a period of 6 to months, and only minor volume readjustments were necessary in 4 cases.
No infection developed in these cases. Compared with other free muscle flaps, and especially with the latissimus dorsi flap, the serratus anterior flap has further qualities that make it extremely useful in limb trauma: a large surface for reduced volume; a flat belly muscle useful in hand reconstruction; the possibility of partial harvesting of 1 to 3 digitations, essential for small bone defects in which the flap serves as a bone carrier; ease of harvesting with bone fragments; a long pedicle; and reduced functional deficit in the donor area.
In addition, the possibility of associating it with the latissimus dorsi on the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum pedicle makes the flap useful in the coverage of large, this web page defects. In finger injuries Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum wide skin loss, the treatment of trauma depends on the direction of amputation.
In oblique injuries with palmar skin loss, microvascular procedures offer different types of procedures for wound closure.
The author has used free flaps from the toes, first web, wrap-around, and conventional cutaneous free flaps. The type, amount of skin Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, and number of fingers affected suggest the surgical procedure.
In many of the cases presented, the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum interphalangeal joint was affected, with preservation of the flexor tendon. In these cases, good restoration Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum PIP flexion was Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Cosmetic and functional results were satisfactory, with a good range of motion of the proximal interphalangeal joint.
The remaining donor scar in the foot was acceptable. Arterialized Venous Free Flaps for Reconstruction of Composite Defects of the Hand. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hyundea Hospital, Taegu, Korea. Since Nakayama's first report on the venous flap, many experimental and clinical studies have been done on this type of flap.
Currently, due to its various benefits, applications as arterialized venous free flaps have increased. In this study, the author reported reconstruction of various kinds of hand defects with new modifications of arterialized venous free flaps, and simultaneously reconstructed skin, nerve, and tendon successfully. From todefects in the hands of 35 patients were reconstructed with various modifications of arterialized venous free flaps. Among Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, 12 cases with flaps over 20 cm in size were included.
Indications for the flaps were: resurfacing of skin defects 9simultaneous reconstruction of extensor, skin, and digital nerve 2reconstruction of the skin with extensor 5flap-through type vascular reconstruction 6digital nerve reconstruction 2just click for source release 3Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum fingertip reconstruction 9.
Relatively large flaps over 20 cm in size survived successfully with no delay procedure. Composite reconstructions, including those of tendon and nerve, adapted well to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum modifications.
The Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum venous free flap is a useful procedure in hand reconstruction because it has several advantages: lack of bulk; variable length Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum pedicle; preservation of a major vascular pedicle; less operative time required; Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum single operative field; and the possibility of various modifications to suit the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum case.
Rope Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of the Thumb: Review of 73 Cases. Darrell Brooks, Karin Schott, Rudolf F. Buncke, and Harry J. Department Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Microsurgery, Buncke Clinic, San Francisco, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, U. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum avulsion carries a particularly poor prognosis for digit salvage, given that traction energy is transmitted through the soft tissues far proximal Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum distal to the level of initial insult.
It is considered a relative contraindication for finger replantation. However, few hand surgeons would not attempt replantation of the avulsed thumb. The authors presented their Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum with revascularization and replantation of 73 such injuries to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum thumb-to their continue reading, the largest extant series.
A retrospective review of their clinical database identified traumatic amputations of the thumb between and Seventy-three met their inclusion criteria, which included complete rope avulsion 45 or incomplete rope avulsion with both arterial and venous insufficiency and bony trauma Eleven thumbs underwent immediate revision Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Of these, two distally amputated Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum underwent Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum flap coverage to preserve functional length; one was not available for replant evaluation; 7 had только trophische Geschwüre, diabetische Volksmedizin Все vascular target; and one patient refused replantation.
Most revascularizations and replantations were treated with bony shortening. All were treated with aggressive vessel debridement to healthy-appearing intima. Interpositional vein grafts were used in a majority of cases.
All replants were treated with dextran 40 after replantation; some additionally were treated with aspirin or heparin. Functional assessment included a measurement of the average total active motion TAM for the IP and MCP joints, and a percent comparison of grip and pinch strength against the uninjured hand. The TAM for complete amputations in which the FPL was avulsed from the muscle belly was 28 degrees.
The TAM for amputations in which the FPL was intact or repaired was 73 degrees. Similar trends were found with pinch and grip strength. Rope avulsion injuries of the thumb can be successfully managed with aggressive removal of all involved vasculature and replacement with healthy Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum vein grafts.
Incomplete rope avulsions are associated with a higher survival rate. An intact or primarily repaired flexor pollicis longus is associated with higher functional return.
Neural Lesions in Volkmann's Contracture in the Upper Limb. Leti Acciaro, and N. Chirurgia della Mano e M. Azienda Ospedaliera, Policlinico, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, Italy. The authors reported their experience of the assessment clinical, TC, and MRI evaluations and surgical treatment of Volkmann's contracture in the upper limbs, with specific emphasis on neural lesions. Forty-seven patients were treated between and Five patients belonged to the perinatal group 1 intrauterine upper limb ischemia and 4 post-natal vascular or septic lesions.
Eighteen belonged to the adolescent Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum in which the various problems linked to the growing phase were recorded. Twenty-four patients belonged to the adult group 21 following traumatic events, 1 as a consequence of thrombophlebitis, and 2 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum a result of drug extravasation.
In relation to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, severity, and associated joint stiffness, the surgical treatment Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum from simple external or internal neurolysis to nerve grafting, the staged St. All patients underwent long-term Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum ranging click 2 to 20 years average: 6 years. The following factors were considered to be relevant: the extreme variability in etiology, with new factors being added; the favorable outcomes of early exploration within 3 months on overall nerve function, compared to late exploration over 6 months as first indicated; the still unrivalled role of the staged Strange procedure in the most severe cases; the limited and personalized indications for vascularized pedicled or free Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum grafting, leading constantly to excellent Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and the new adjuvant role of end-to-side nerve suture, mainly in the perinatal and adolescent groups presenting with a severe Volkmann contracture, in which simultaneous or staged free muscle transfers were carried out.
Ring Avulsion Injuries: Treatment Outcome with Microsurgical Techniques. The treatment of ring avulsion amputations is challenging, given the diffuse longitudinal injury to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum skin envelope, arteries, veins, and nerves. The authors reported the treatment Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, utilizing microsurgical techniques Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum such cases, between and This was a retrospective review.
Eighty-four patients presented to the Buncke Clinic between and with ring avulsion injuries. All patients were then classified, based on the system described by Urbaniak, and modifications of Heilung für Ösophagusvarizen system, such as Kay's and Adnai's. Sixty-one patients had their digits replanted. Outcome parameters included survival, and functional assessment included total active motion TAMgrip strength, and pinch strength.
Average follow-up was 10 months. The study Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum excellent survival and good functional outcome after microsurgical treatment of selected ring avulsion injuries. The majority of digits survived, regardless Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Urbaniak classification.
Modifications of this system based on anatomic injury were more predictive of functional outcome. Microsurgical treatment of some type III avulsions resulted in useful Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. All ring avulsion injuries should therefore be evaluated for replantation.
Vascularized Bone Grafts for the Reconstruction of Congenital Pseudarthrosis and See more Defects. Musa Mateev, Peter Pokrovsky, Bakyt Omurzakov, and Arstan Imanaliev. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery and Hand Surgery, National Hospital Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Kyrgyzstan. The aim of this study was to show the advantage of treatment of bone defects and congenital pseudarthrosis by free vascularized bone grafts, in combination Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the Ilizarov device.
Reconstruction of bone defects was done in two stages. In the first stage, they applied the Ilizarov device to the tibia for lengthening and elimination of deformation. In the second stage, the bone defects were repaired by free vascularized bone grafts.
The authors' go here has experience with 68 cases of reconstruction of congenital pseudarthrosis and extensive bone defects source free transplantation of вернулся Symptome Thrombophlebitis остановился bone grafts.
Bone defects occurred as results of pseudarthrosis Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrumwide tumor resection 19Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum injuries 27and total osteomyelitis 8.
The maximum lengthening of the extremity is 1 mm per day. This process can be very lengthy and painful. However, it is necessary for Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum legs not to be Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum discrepant length. They lengthen the extremity by 5 cm; after this, there is a 2-week hiatus because of the pain the patient endures. During the lengthening process, it is necessary to have active movements of the extremity as a preventive against contracture.
The authors prefer to use an Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum fibula graft. The cutaneous component of click the following article osteoseptocutaneous VFG Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum responsible for the blood supply of the flap; also, it is Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum in maintaining the pressure in the flap vessels.
Seven patients had bone defects after wide tumor resection of the distal radial bone portion and proximal shoulder portion, with defects of the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum joints.
For these patients, reconstruction was done with Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum epiphysial bone grafts for new radiocarpal and shoulder joint formation.
The Ilizarov device does not always allow for the optimal placing of microvascular anastomoses. In order Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum create Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum conditions, it was necessary to open the operative area in which the anastomoses were to be done.
The authors worked out a technique sliding of remounting the device Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the operative procedure, as follows.
The operative field is determined. Remounting of the device involves transposing the longitudinal steel Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, in order to widen the field; the number of wires should not be less than three. When the anastomoses have been placed, the device should be restored to its initial position. If properly carried Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, the whole process should take no more than 10 to 15 min.
Three patients among the 68 cases had resultant necrosis of the transplanted Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum graft. Sixty-five patients had complete survival of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum grafts. Bone consolidation was observed in 6 to 8 months after the reconstruction. In the authors' opinion, application of free vascularized bone grafts, in combination with the Ilizarov device, is a very efficient method of treatment for congenital pseudarthrosis and extensive bone defects.
Donor Site Reconstructioin after Free Vascular Fibular Transfer in Children with Congenital Pseudarthrosis Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the Tibia. Bertil Romanus and Ingemar Fogdestam.
Department of Orthopedics, Goteborg, Sweden, and Departments of Plastic Surgery, Goteborg, Sweden Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Oslo, Norway. Free vascular fibular transfer has been a very successful method of bridging various defects of the long bones. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum authors have used this technique in the treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia CPT. However, in children, progressive valgus deformities, both at the knee and the ankle at the donor site, have been a major concern.
This was a report on preventing knee and ankle valgus deformity in growing children by careful reconstruction of the fibular donor-site defect. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrumthey have used contralateral free fibular transfer in 10 just click for source to fill the defect after resection of the CPT.
The ages of patients ranged from 6 months to 15 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum at Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum time of operation. All except three patients have been followed until skeletal maturity, and the results were presented in Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum separate paper.
The defect at the donor site 6 to 12 cm long has been filled with an osteoperiosteal strip, which was removed from the medial aspect of the tibia at the donor site and shaped into a tube. The tube was sutured to the resected upper and lower ends of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum fibula. The fibular ends were transfixed to the tibia with screws or pins, to prevent proximal and distal migration. After re-forming of a fibular diaphysis, the fixation was removed.
Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum tubular strip filled the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum with bone in all cases. Minor defects in the continuity of the new fibula were seen in Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum earliest two cases, and in the two oldest patients at the time of the procedure.
None of the patients had any symptoms at the knee or valgus deformity at the latest follow-up. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum had any symptoms at Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum ankle.
All but two had 10 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of valgus of the ankle on radiographic examination. Two patients had defects in fibular regeneration and had too much remaining growth at the time of the surgery. Another two with defects were females and the oldest ones at surgery, with almost no remaining growth; they did not develop any deformity at the ankle. Development of progressive valgus deformities of the knee and ankle of the donor side in children, after resection for free vascular fibular transfer, can be prevented by interposing an osteoperiosteal tube from the medial aspect of the tibia into the diaphyseal defect.
This appears to be important, especially in children with several years of remaining Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Temporary fixation of the fibular ends to the tibia during remodeling of the fibula Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum to be beneficial. Free Vascularized Fibular Grafts for the Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. Clinic of Traumatology, Queen Giovanna Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria. Non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head ONFH is a Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum condition with a poor prognosis in relation to total hip arthroplasty.
The aim of this study was Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum assess the effectiveness of free vascularized fibular grafting, according to the authors' experience. Since50 patients 53 joints have been operated Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum their ages were between 23 and 54 years. Preoperatively, the stage of the disease was classified after Ficat: stage I-3 joints; stage II joints; stage III joints; and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum IV-1 joint.
The operative technique was extraarticular. After trimming, the length of the grafts was Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum cm on average. Revascularization was accomplished by microanastomoses with the lateral Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum femoral artery.
Blood flow was normal in 20 grafts and reversed in There were two complications in the early postoperative period-septic arthritis, and penetration of the graft into the joint. Because of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of the big and second toes, the tendons were lengthened behind the medial Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum in two cases. Forty-four patients 46 joints were followed-up for a period Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 8 months to 7 years.
The spherical contour of the head was preserved in Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum joints: in the group of stage I-2 joints; in those with stage II joints; in those go here stage III-5 joints.
The contour was altered in 15 joints: in stage I-1 joint; in stage II-6 joints; Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum stage III-7 joints; and in stage IV-1 joint. Three joints were converted, and click others are candidates Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum total hip arthroplasty The range Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum motion in the sagittal and frontal planes did not improve significantly.
Twenty-four patients were free of pain, while 14 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the pain as mild-to-moderate. Most of the patients were satisfied with the treatment in terms of daily activities and ability to work. Free vascularized fibular grafting decreases Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum necessity for total hip arthroplasty in young adults with ONFH, especially when the diagnosis determines that the patient is in the early stages of the disease.
Experience with Free Fibula Transfer to the Distal Tibia. Pederson, Michael Pannunzio, Lorenzo Pacelli, and Marvin Brown. University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, U.
Fractures of the distal tibia present difficult management problems. They often involve the joint surface of the ankle and are frequently open, leading to a relatively high rate of infection and nonunion. While transfer of a free fibula Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum an accepted procedure for tibial-shaft nonunions, there is little in the literature regarding free fibula transfer in the management of tibial plafond fractures.
All patients had been considered for below-the-knee amputation prior to fibular transfer. The average age at the time of fibular Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum was 39 years, with an average time from injury to the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum procedure of 8 months.
Three of the initial fractures were article source, with the remaining 10 being open. The average number of prior operations was 3. Seven patients had tibiotalar arthrodesis, while the remaining ones had the fibula placed into the tibial plafond without kann es für Krampfadern the joint.
Three patients required early return to the operating room for vascular compromise, but all had vascular salvage. One patient required free muscle Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum due to venous compromise of the skin paddle with patent vessels to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum bone.
One patient developed a draining sinus at 13 months despite healingwhich resolved after debridement and hardware removal.
Of the 11 patients with eventual union, partial weight-bearing was begun at an average of 4 months, and weight-bearing without assistive devices by Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum months. The presence of prior infection did not significantly increase the time to full weight-bearing. Management of nonunion and infected nonunion of distal tibial fractures Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum a challenging problem.
In properly selected patients, the procedure can offer a functional alternative to below-the-knee amputation. Vascularized Bone Graft for the Treatment of Avascular Necrosis of the Talus. Mitsunori Shigetomi, Koichiro Ihara, Keiichi Muramatsu, Shinya Kawai, and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Doi.
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, Ube, Japan. The reported study was undertaken to evaluate the usefulness of vascularized Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum grafts for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the talus.
Vascularized bone grafts harvested from the medial supracondylar region of the femur were used to treat 6 patients with avascular necrosis of the talus. These Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum can be trimmed to any shape without compromising Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, as Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum graft is nourished by the periosteal blood supply.
The vascularized bone graft was inset into the core of the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum talar body to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum healing. Three patients had developed partial collapse of the tarsal dome, and one had osteoarthritic changes of the ankle joint preoperatively. The average follow-up was 66 months range: 32 to 96 months. The necrotic talar body was prevented from progressive collapse in four patients in early stages of avascular necrosis.
One patient with osteoarthritic changes of the ankle preoperatively had a moderately painful gait; however, she requires no cane for activities of daily living. Two patients had a mildly painful gait.
Results in 5 of the 6 cases were rated as good or excellent by the criteria of Hawkins. A vascularized small periosteal bone Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum from Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum medial supracondylar region of the femur can thus be Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum to promote revascularization of the subchondral bone in the treatment of avascular necrosis of the talus.
Emergency Debridement, Reconstruction, and Free-Tissue Transfer in Acute Lower Extremity Injuries: The Ljubljana Experience. Ljubljana University Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Center, Slovenia. Between and54 patients with complex Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum extremity injuries were treated by emergency free tissue transfer at the authors' institution.
Forty-six injuries were open fractures 32 Gustilo IIIb, 14 Gustilo IIIc ; eight injuries were soft-tissue defects, which were large in 36 patients, medium in 9, and small in 9 patients. Nine patients required major vessel repair for Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum ischemia. In 6 of them, postoperative vascular thrombosis was observed.
Microvascular anastomosis was end-to-end in 29 patients and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum in 25 patients.
The posterior tibial vessels were the recipient in 29 patients The free flap success rate was There were three failures 5. Primary healing was observed in 35 patients Wound cover and reconstruction were Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum with one operative procedure in 23 patients Definitive cover and comprehensive reconstruction of selected complex lower limb injuries is possible in a one-only, first operation within 24 hr of injury, without increasing the postoperative complication rate, and is the authors' recommended treatment.
Temporary Placement of Defatted Plantar Heel Skin and Subsequent Transfer to the Heel Using Carrier Flaps: Two Case Reports. Tsan-Shiun Lin, Seng-Feng Jeng, and Fu-Chan Wei. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Heel pad avulsion with devascularization ideally should be revascularized microsurgically. However, when revascularization is not feasible because of the extensiveness of the injury, the reconstructive goal should then be to achieve a durable and sensate padding. Although there are reconstructive options available, most of them are far from ideal. The authors presented a new approach Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum a two-staged reconstruction of unreplantable heel pad avulsions.
Learn more here first patient Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum received temporary placement of defatted plantar heel skin in the calf, and subsequent transfer to the heel, using a distally-based sural artery flap as a carrier.
The second Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum received temporary placement of defatted plantar heel skin in the thigh, and subsequent transfer to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum heel, using an anterolateral thigh flap as a carrier.
The second procedures were performed 2 weeks after placement of the defatted heel skin. The Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum heel skin and carrier flaps survived well. There was no ulceration of the heel after a 2-year follow-up. The new heel skin behaves as glabrous skin with a thick, keratinized layer.
As there is no such glabrous skin available for reconstruction of the plantar heel, the original Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of the injured heel should be preserved whenever possible during initial surgery. The distally based sural Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum flap and anterolateral thigh flap are good choices as carriers of grafted heel skin.
The preliminary results of this method appear to reveal superior outcomes to other methods. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum after Lower Limb Replantation Surgery: Possibilities of Treatment by External Fixation.
Bruno Battiston, Pierluigi Tos, Italo Pontini, Antonio Biasibetti, and Domenico Aloj. Interdivisional Group of Microsurgery, C. In lower limb replantations, late complications are frequent partial necrosis, limb shortening, non-unions, etc.
In the case series reported to14 cases in 12 patients, two bilateralthere were always limb length discrepancies; in the two bilateral cases, there was a need of shortening, to allow for the possibility of good replantation. All replanted segments survived, but the authors had to secondarily amputate in 5 cases for severe general complications. Es ist ein Ekzem oder trophischen Geschwüren the remaining cases, 4 had minimal bone loss 2 to 3 cm or symmetrical bone loss bilateral cases.
Two replanted segments presented delayed union. In 5 patients, a large bone loss was present max: 14 cm, min: 4 cm, mean: 5. The two delayed unions were treated by means of fibular osteotomy and bone compression with the Ilizarov device. In 5 cases, a significant limb shortening was solved or reduced about 1 year later Anwendung von Salben mit Krampfadern limb lengthening with external fixation click at this page in one case, a double lengthening at two separate times Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum necessary, due to a long bone loss of read more cm.
A proximal metaphyseal tibial osteotomy was always used. Even if emergency external fixation can create some problems in replantation excess bulk, the need for very rapid fixationin the subsequent period it allows for the solution of two of the main problems in this surgery, i.
In the patients reported, different external devices were used e. At times, two different types of devices were used in the same, according to the problem presenting.
Limb lengthening caused no further problems, and did not interfere with the biologic processes and healing. On average, social reintegration of the patients was obtained 8 months after trauma. However, the mean time for the overall treatment including secondary procedures and a return to normal living was 1. Secondary limb lengthening allows replantation, even in the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of extensive bone loss, but the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum believe that a loss of substance greater Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 10 cm is a contraindication to replantation, as reconstruction will have a poor functional outcome.
The difficulties encountered in reconstructing the ankle and foot include the lack of regional large muscle bellies available for transfer, and the need for reconstruction of a durable Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum surface. The authors presented a systematic approach to these reconstructions. During the last 10 years, 72 flaps were performed on 64 patients, ranging in age from 2 to 75 years here 37 years.
The choice of the flap was based on the size, nature, and location of the defect and the vascular status of the limb. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum flaps were avoided on severely traumatized extremities, on diabetic limbs, or Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum patients with Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum impairment. If vascular impairment was present, a bypass graft to restore limb circulation preceded flap transfer, or an AV loop was used to provide circulation to the flap.
Twenty regional and 52 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum flaps were used. Regional flaps included the extensor digitorum brevis 4dorsalis pedis 2lateral calcaneal 9medial plantar 4and flexor digitorum brevis 1.
Free flaps included fasciocutaneous 8 -deltoid 4scapular 1 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum forearm 1lateral arm 1groin 1 ; myocutaneous 3 ; and skin grafted muscle 41 -latissimus dorsi 26rectus abdominis 4and gracilis Fifteen regional and 6 free flaps were click here. Nine Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and 20 free Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum were used on plantar defects.
Nine limbs with vascular impairment, four of which had arterial bypass grafts, were successfully reconstructed with free flaps. Complications included a partial loss of a regional flap and one free flap failure.
One free flap was aborted, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum to recipient vessel fibrosis, because of an extended zone of injury. On long-term follow-up, ulceration developed on two skin-grafted muscle free flaps covering heel defects. These were resolved by refashioning the flap and using special footwear.
In addition, one extremity was amputated, despite successful free flap coverage, because of persistent osteomyelitis and destruction of the ankle joint. The authors presented a graphic algorithm for various situations and choices to cover defects of the ankle, posterior heel, and plantar Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. They commented that sensory flaps are Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum for plantar surface reconstruction, although skin-grafted muscle may be adequate.
Customized footwear is frequently necessary in cases of plantar defects. Microvascular Reconstruction of Unusual Upper Limb Injuries. Samir Kumta, Sudhir Warrier, and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Purohit. Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai, Net Varizen Behandlung. A series of 20 cases of unusual upper limb injuries, treated by a combination of microvascular free tissue transfer followed by other reconstructive procedures, was presented.
The mechanism and pattern of injuries seen in this series is unusual, but not uncommon at the authors' institution. Their complete reconstruction is a challenge and requires multiple modalities of treatment; however, good results can be obtained in the majority of cases. Over a period of 6 years, the authors treated 20 cases with complex injuries of the upper Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Mechanisms of injury ranged from extensive electric burns in a child who attempted to catch a Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, using a metal rod which connected with an overhead high tension wire, to extensive dorsal hand and forearm injuries in people traveling with their upper limbs hanging out of car windows, to injuries from plastic moulding machinery, to close-range gunshot wounds gangland warfare.
All acute cases, on arrival, required debridement and bony stabilization, which was performed in all cases Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum an indigenously developed external fixator device. This was usually followed Krampfadern Behandlungskosten a few days by a microvascular free flap which, in most cases, was the latissimus dorsi muscle, with or without skin.
Once the flap was well-settled, between 6 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and 3 months, bone grafting when required and extensor tendon reconstruction, using a combination of tendon transfers and plantaris tendon grafts, were performed. In the patient Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum electric burns, flexor tendon grafting and median and ulnar nerve grafting were performed.
The circumferential wrist injuries had simultaneous nerve grafting as well. In both cases with large bone gaps, a microvascular fibular osteocutaneous flap was used. All flaps except one did well. A latissimus dorsi flap for the child with electrical burns Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the forearm failed, and had to be replaced by an abdominal flap. The vascularized fibular graft in the patient with non-union united Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 6 months, providing a stable forearm.
The patient with loss of the distal half of the radius and ulna, in whom a vascularized fibular graft was placed, developed non-union at the upper end, requiring subsequent bone grafting.
Extensor tendon grafting yielded the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum gratifying results, even though the graft was tunneled through or under the latissimus dorsi muscle. After nerve grafting, sensory recovery was good, with a 2PD less than 10 mm in all patients, but poor motor recovery. These cases were presented because of the unusual mechanisms and patterns of injury. A combination of microvascular Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and conventional tendon reconstruction provided gratifying results.
Most of the patients Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum well because Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum techniques were used in preference to conventional flaps.
Also, the authors emphasized the great advantages of external fixation in the upper limb, a practice that is still not widely acceptable by many hand surgeons although widely used in India. Some questions that still need to be answered: are microvascular flaps safe for use in electrical burn injuries?
Also, aesthetic могу das Anschwellen der Beine mit Krampfadern entfernen если of uterine fötale Blutungsstörungen Grad defects is still not always achievable, and this subject needs to be pursued.
Microsurgical Reconstruction for Combined Achilles Tendon Defect with Soft-Tissue Loss: Comparison between Free Flap and Free Functional Muscle Transfer. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Tu and Steve Wen-Neng Ueng. Orthopedic Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Keelung, Taiwan.
Post-traumatic Achilles tendon defect, combined with chronic soft-tissue loss, is difficult to manage by traditional suturing techniques, especially when severe infection also presents at the heel cord. The options Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum local soft-tissue flap transfer around the ankle and foot Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum limited; therefore, microsurgical free-tissue transfers are always indicated.
In this study, Диаспаре Massage für Krampfadern Bewertungen даже authors presented their experience of challenging cases, using microsurgical reconstruction, and compared functional outcomes between innervated and non-innervated free gracilis muscle in reconstructing combined Achilles tendon and soft-tissue defects.
Between andthere were Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum patients with Achilles tendon disruption and soft-tissue infection due to the failure of previous surgery.
Twelve patients were males, and 6 were females; the average age was The average number of previous operations on the Achilles tendon was 5. Common problems were soft-tissue defect with chronic wound infection, pus discharge, absence of heel cord, and weakness of plantar flexion.
Rehabilitation programs were begun 3 weeks after flap transfer, and continued for 2 years. Postoperative evaluation involved isometric muscle testing Cybex II dynomometer at 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 36 months after microsurgery. MRI imaging was performed both pre- and postoperatively. In the follow-up, EMG evaluations were also carried out.
The clinical outcome was assessed according to the criteria of Percy and Conochie. The average follow-up was 4 years range: 3 to 5 years. All reconstructions were successful, with no vascular or infection complications. Postoperative MRIs showed good healing of the bridging muscle flaps in all patients. Isometric ankle muscle studies demonstrated no difference in plantar flexion muscle torque over both ankles at 9, 12, 24, and 36 months.
The isometric muscle power in Group 2 patients showed that the differences still existed even at 24 months postoperatively. The authors' report is the first to compare using non-innervated vs. Microsurgically innervated functional gracilis muscle flaps were found Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum have more satisfactory results than non-innervated transfers for reconstructing Achilles tendon defects combined with soft-tissue loss and infection.
The recovery of ankle muscle power and function was significantly better in the innervated muscle transfer group. The rationale for the procedure is that the use of the posterior tibial nerve for functional innervation Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the recovery of muscle power. Microvascular Surgery in the Abdomen. Yuan-Cheng Chiang, Tsan-Shiun Lin, Chao-Long Chen, Yao-Sen Chen, and Chih-Chi Wang.
Departments of Plastic Surgery and General Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Microvascular surgery in the human abdomen has rarely been addressed in the literature; however, this is an important subject when confronted with repair of delicate and indispensable vessels.
The purpose of this report was to elucidate surgical results and technical pitfalls in this special Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. From July to June69 intraabdominal microvascular procedures were done at the authors' institution Kaohsiung Medical Center.
Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of these were hepatic artery Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 67while the other two were renal artery reconstructions.
Ages of patients ranged from 2. Surgical indications included liver transplantation, kidney autotransplantation, and revascularization of the kidney following tumor excision. Postoperative assessments were performed with the color Doppler imaging system or renal scan.
All of the viscera survived. Minimal arterial complications were encountered during the perioperative period. The results suggested that microvascular surgery in the abdomen can be a safe and reliable Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, if possible technical pitfalls are carefully managed.
The procedure Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum especially important in reconstructing delicate and indispensable Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. How Many Major Flaps or Microsurgical Procedures are Safe in One Person?
Life through Plastic Surgery: In Pursuit of Excellence. Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Bombay India. The Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum reported the successful rehabilitation of a patient following extensive, traumatic, life-threatening loss of the anterior abdominal wall, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum wall of the urinary bladder, pubic symphysis and ramus, phallus, scrotum, testes, and upper half of thigh soft tissue both right and left sides.
The total number of major flaps used in this patient was 7: radial artery forearm flap, extracorporeal transfer 2 ; vascularized fibula as symbiotic flap 2 ; island gracilis muscle flap 2and inferiorly based supercharged Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum dorsi flap 1.
The extracorporeal radial artery forearm flap was used in the perineal and pubic region to provide stable and water-resistant skin cover. The urinary bladder was closed, a bladder neck was created, and the gracilis muscle flaps were used to reinforce the bladder wall. Prefabricated phallus reconstruction was undertaken, using the radial forearm flap and vascularized fibula. Due to the absence of any recipient vessel, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum extracorporeal transfer of the prefabricated flap was undertaken.
Dynamic, innervated motor muscle latissimus dorsi flap transfer, along with osteotomized vascularized fibula and gracilis muscle flaps were used for the abdomino-perineal wall. All the flaps, either alone or in combination, were carried out under regional anesthesia e. These combinations allowed positioning of the patient, while undertaking extracorporeal tissue transfer. The latissimus muscle flap could also be dissected under thoracic epidural block, along with infiltration of local anesthesia in the axilla for dissection of the neurovascular pedicle.
The patient was ultimately discharged from the hospital, after extensive and total physical, functional, and emotional rehabilitation, including abdominal wall and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. He has gone back into society with some self-confidence.
He is an example of surgical perseverance and the judicious use of surgical techniques and skills in a Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum which, at the beginning, was definitely considered close to death.
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bologna Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, Bologna, Italy. Many surgical techniques have been proposed for the treatment of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum intraabdominal testis.
The one most applied is the Fowler-Stephens technique, with Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of the short Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum vessels, and reliance on the deferential ones for testicular survival.
Silber has proposed microvascular anastomosis of the testicular vessels to the inferior epigastric vessels. Beginning with these previous procedures, these authors used rabbits as their experimental models, and evaluated the damage caused by partial or total ischemia of the testis.
It was shown that the lesions were secondary to damage caused by insufficient venous outflow confirming the inadequacy of the deferential blood drainagerather than by Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum insufficient arterial supply.
Their Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, which has been recently published has two essential steps. The first is directed toward identification of the intraabdominal testis, preparation of the pathway through which Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum gonad will be placed into the scrotum, and the mobilization of the vas deferens, spermatic, and epigastric vessels.
At the end of microvascular suturing, the gonad is placed into the scrotum. From to the present, this привел die Ursachen von Krampfadern nach der Schwangerschaft полип has been performed 60 times in 51 patients with high intraabdominal testis 9 bilateral.
Patient ages ranged from 18 months to 13 years. Diagnosis of the condition is now obtained Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum laparoscopy, in order to obtain more accurate information on existence, location, volume, and consistency. Follow-up has Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of clinical controls at 1, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. During the second control, ultrasonography is performed.
In the 60 testes treated, 6 atrophic conditions were found. The authors maintained that their technique improves the success rate, compared with other procedures. Arthi Kruavlt and Pongsakorn Eamtanaporn. Division Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
The aim of this reported study was to develop a new free flap from the scrotum. Dissection studies were performed in 10 Thai male fresh cadavers, dye injection studies were carried out in four specimens.
It was revealed that the mean surface area of the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum scrotal flap supplied by the vascular pedicle from the external pudendal artery and vein was The mean pedicle length was 8. The fasciocutaneous areas supplied by this unilateral vascular pedicle were three-fourths of the suprapubic area, three-fourths of the penile skin, all of the prepuce skin, and the ipsilateral half of the anterior portion of the scrotum.
The contralateral scrotal skin was not included in the scrotal flap. Subsequently, the scrotal fasciocutaneous free flap was developed for clinical source in two patients.
The first flap was used to cover Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum wound at the distal leg with exposed tibia, while the second flap was used to cover a wound with exposed tendons on the dorsum of the hand. Both cases validated Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the scrotal free flap could be successfully used in clinical practice. The thinness and pliability of the flap, the long vascular pedicle, the minimal donor-site morbidity, and the possibility of raising the flap simultaneously with recipient site dissection, were major advantages.
The small caliber of the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum vessels, the small size of the flap, and the unsightly appearance of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum scrotal Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum were among the disadvantages.
The possibility of combining suprapubic skin, penile skin, prepuce skin, and scrotal skin, to enlarge flap size, is being studied. The authors concluded that the scrotal fasciocutaneous free flap should be considered as an additional option in the reconstructive surgeon's armamentarium.
Urethral Reconstruction Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum a Jejunal Free Tissue Transfer. Kuznetsov, Kaveh Alizadeh, and Gregory T.
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, U. Urethral reconstruction has undergone significant evolution since Russell described the first modern approach to surgery of the urethra in Currently, a broader understanding of penile blood supply and the application of tissue transfer techniques have improved the overall success in treating urethral strictures. Despite these advances, there remains a select group of patients with extensive Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum disease or urethral Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, in whom traditionally available reconstructive options are inadequate.
A case report introduced a new dimension in urethral reconstruction previously Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum available. The authors successfully used a tailored jejunal free tissue transfer to reconstruct the proximal 16 cm of a severely diseased urethra in a year-old patient. The report detailed the technical considerations involved, demonstrated that the procedure is a unique approach to urethral reconstruction, and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum that Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum should Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum ready applications for patients compromised by urethral strictures and others with extensive urethral loss.
Gluteal Fold Flap for Reconstruction of Vulvo-Vaginal and Perineal Defects. Andrew's Centre, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, United Kingdom. The perineum is an area of rich blood supply, with multiple arterial anastomoses involving arteries arising from the internal and external iliac systems.
Flaps raised on perforators around the perineum resemble the petals of a lotus flower. A cutaneous flap Krampfadern Sex mit the gluteal fold Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum to the lower-most Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of the flower.
From this area, large cutaneous flaps can be raised, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum on Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum branch from the internal pudendal system, and this flap can be used unilaterally or bilaterally, following radical vulvectomy. It can also be Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum for vaginal reconstruction and peri-anal skin defects.
The gluteal fold is an excellent donor site, as scarring in this area still gives excellent cosmetic results. Fifty such flaps have been used successfully in 32 patients. Autologous Sural Nerve Grafting to Preserve Potency Following Non-Nerve-Sparing Radical Prostatectomy. Babaian, and Stephan S. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, U. Erectile dysfunction following radical surgery for clinically localized prostate cancer remains a problem that deters many men from seeking surgical treatment.
Cavernous nerve-sparing has been popularized as a method for preserving potency, but men with locally advanced disease may be at increased risk for a positive margin with this technique. In this study, the authors examined sural nerve grafting of the cavernous nerve bundles to preserve postoperative potency, while potentially maximizing cancer control.
Thirty men were enrolled in this prospective phase I study and underwent non-nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy by one of two protocol surgeons. Preoperative erectile Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum was assessed objectively, using a Rigiscan TM and subjectively, using a set of validated sexual questionnaires prior to surgery.
The cavernous nerves were identified and resected at the time of surgery, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum an intraoperative mapping device Cavermap TM. Bilateral autologous sural nerve grafting to the cavernous nerve stumps was performed by one of two protocol plastic surgeons. Subjective and objective spontaneous erectile activity was measured postoperatively every 3 months.
Of the 30 men enrolled in Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum study, 25 have had at least 12 months of follow-up. The authors predicted the return Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum spontaneous erectile activity due to cavernous Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum regeneration at 12 to 18 months postoperatively in these patients, based on published data on known nerve regeneration rates and the nerve graft length.
Autologous sural nerve grafting after non-nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy is an effective means of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum spontaneous erectile activity in some patients, while Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum cancer control. There are rare instances when only one free flap can be transferred Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum both Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum or knees, such as when there is only one single recipient Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, or only one single free flap available.
In such difficult cases, the authors recommended free flap transfer to cover both legs or goldenen Krampfadern Rezepte Schnurrbart aus mit dem, such as a cross-leg flap, and joining the donor and recipient vessels.
A year-old girl with severe soft-tissue loss of both knees and legs was treated by controlled expansion of a scapular flap Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum an 8-month period.
The patient was then assigned for a microvascular procedure using the expanded scapular free flap. Unfortunately, the recipient vessels L femoral artery and vein, were so badly damaged during Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum previous operation, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum anastomosing the free Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum was impossible. The authors then fixed the right forearm to the right knee through an external fixator, anastomosing the donor vessels to the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum radial vessels, crossing the flap from the Produkte Krampfadern Blutverdünnung knees and legs to the left, and also covering some portion of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum left popliteal area.
After 4 to 6 weeks, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum flap was divided. The techniques were discussed in detail, and slides were presented. Critical Experiences with the Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap. Was mit Krampfadern kleinen Becken zu tun fuer Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, Ludwig-Boltzmann Instit fuer Qualitaetssicherung in der Plastischen Chirurgie.
University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. In this report, the authors' experiences with the thoracodorsal artery perforator TAP flap were presented. Its uses and pitfalls were critically highlighted, especially the application of this flap as an island flap.
There are few publications on this recently described flap, perhaps because there is an Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum need for expertise in preparation, with inherent problems.
Eleven patients received 10 free and 2 pedicled TAP flaps for reconstructive procedures in Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum neck and extremities. Preoperatively, localization of the perforators was performed, using power Doppler imaging, whereby it could be demonstrated that the location and course are Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum on the arm's position.
Complications relating to the location and course arise because of differences observed during surgery, compared to preoperative markings. In the series described, this flap was used twice as a pedicled flap resulting in two failuresand 10 times as a free flap with one failure.
Transfer as a free flap is a delicate procedure, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum as concerns vessel preparation; transposition as an island flap is limited in range. Based on the authors' limited experience, they recommended this flap only with Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum selected indications.
The procedure must be performed by very experienced microsurgeons, after training on cadavers, and precise clinical determination Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the main perforators by color Doppler imaging.
The use of this perforator flap is limited to cases Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum which a long vascular pedicle for an appropriate free tissue transfer is necessary, and when Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum appearance and minimizing donor-site morbidity are of dominant importance over a potentially higher failure rate.
In addition, application a pedicled flap may be prone to failure because of the extremely fragile perforator veins. Reconstruction of the Thoracic Esophagus with Skin Flap Transplantation Combined with Placement of a Temporary Fistula. Despite the high Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum placed on the bowel as reconstructive material for the thoracic esophagus, the bowel is often unavailable due to severe adhesions Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the intraperitoneal cavity.
In such cases, a skin flap has been used instead. However, skin flap transplantation often may be accompanied by suture insufficiency caused by poor healing of the wound between the flap and the recipient site. Accidental suture insufficiency can result in compromise Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the reconstructed area and the risk of flap necrosis.
To avoid such a result, the authors temporarily place a fistula between the skin surface and the reconstructed esophagus to attenuate internal pressure in the esophagus. Three patients underwent the described procedure. Defects of the thoracic esophagus were reconstructed with a forearm flap, and the surface was covered with another skin flap: a thigh flap for one patient, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum tensor fasciae latae MC flap for another, and a pectoralis major MC flap for the third patient.
The forearm flap was sutured to the intestinal tract at the recipient site, leaving an open area 2 cm in length. The margin of the open section was sutured to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum margin of the overlying skin flap and the chest skin. The orifice thus formed was covered with a pouch, representing an artificial anus, which was closed after all operative wounds had healed completely. All the flaps survived and the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum closed uneventfully 2 to 3 months later.
Patients achieved smooth passage of food through the reconstructed esophagus. The authors stated that the temporary formation of a fistula may be a good supplementary procedure for uneventful esophageal reconstruction using skin flaps.
Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy: Effects on Free Tissue Transfer. University of California, Irvine, California, U. Multimodal therapy, including intra-arterial chemotherapy, is recognized as Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum therapy for soft-tissue cancer.
This reported study Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum performed in an Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum to evaluate the potential of free flap reconstruction following intra-arterial therapy. A retrospective chart review of 52 patients, who had undergone limb continue reading between andidentified 16 patients who also had had intra-arterial limb perfusion that Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum followed by surgical resection and free flap reconstruction.
There were 7 women and 9 men, with an average age of All 16 patients had received preoperative adjuvant systemic chemotherapy.
Reconstruction of the lower extremity was performed most commonly with rectus Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and latissimus dorsi free flaps. The average length of hospitalization was No flap Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum or infection were Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Two flaps demonstrated partial edge necrosis.
Seven patients had recurrence of their disease. The overall mean survival time following surgery was The results of this study indicated that preoperative intra-arterial chemotherapy does not significantly increase the risk of immediate free flap complications. Although the series is small, the authors believe that there is no clinical evidence justifying die Verwendung von Analgetika in trophischen Geschwüren or refusal of free flap reconstruction after limb perfusion and intra-arterial chemotherapy.
Routine care in vessel selection and microsurgical technique should be taken to maximize favorable outcomes. Vessels should be inspected for their suitability prior to attempting any Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum flap reconstruction.
Varicocele in Children: Cases Treated with Microsurgical Technique. Varicocele is not a rare anomaly. The interest that the pediatric surgeon directs toward diagnosis and research of the best treatment for this pathology, is read more mainly to the higher and tighter correlation between varicocele and adult hypofertility.
The peculiar progression of varicocele sometimes results in testicular hypotrophy, together with cytoarchitectural alterations of the seminiferous tubule, leading up to the frequent subfertility of adulthood.
The most common surgical therapy is Ivanissevich's technique interruption of blood reflux by dissection Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the incompetent spermatic veinwhich results in a high Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of local failures persisting or Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum varicocele, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of hydrocele, and testicular atrophy.
In addition, most of the time, the technique does not lead to an improvement in von Ellipsentrainer Krampfadern quality of the seminal fluid. It is important to guarantee an outflow to the gonad, using Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum anastomosis.
The authors consider this as the best technique for treating varicocele in the pediatric age group, because of the chances for reversing damage before puberty. They use Belgrano's spermatico-epigastric venous anastomosis as their surgical technique. The inguinal skin is incised for a few centimeters. Once the inguinal canal is opened, the spermatic cord is located, and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum spermatic vein is isolated within all its collaterals.
Then, with the aid of loupes, the epigastric vein with the more adequate caliber to be anastomosed to the spermatic vein is freed. Http:// spermatic vein is ligated as distally as possible and, once positioned, is divided at its distal end.
Then, the chosen epigastric vein is sectioned and placed on the other branch of the microclamp. The procedudre is performed under X magnification under the operating microscope.
The microvascular spermatico-epigastric anastomosis is carried out using interrupted Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and nylon. On completion, the anastomosis is checked for leakage, and intradermal sutures are used for Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum skin. From to the present, children have been treated in the pediatric surgical unit of the authors' institution.
Their ages range from 8 to 16 years. According Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Horner's classification, had a grade II varicocele, while the remaining had a grade III varicocele. Clinical results are optimal, with this web page Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum varices in the majority of cases. This technique enables establishment of an immediate and physiologic testicular venous outflow, essential for testicular growth and development.
Surgical Treatment of Lesions of the Lumbosacral Plexus. Millesi, Dagmar Millesi, W. During the past Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum years, these authors have treated 19 cases of lumbosacral plexus lesions. In the majority of the cases, the cause was a fracture of the pelvis with dislocations. Types of lesions can be divided into three Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 1 lesions of the lumbar plexus alone-these are treated via a retroperitoneal approach; 2 lesions of S1 to S3-these cases are explored via a transgluteal approach.
The sciatic nerve is followed in a central direction and the roots are identified dorsally; 3 lesions of the whole lumbosacral plexus, especially those of the lumbosacral trunk L4 and L5. These patients are operated on in the lateral position. The lumbar portion is explored by dissection in in Krampfadern den Strümpfe Beinen retroperitoneum.
The lumbosacral trunk can be followed by disinsertion of the iliac muscle, to visualize the superior and inferior nerve, and the sciatic nerve by disinsertion of the gluteus muscles. Sometimes, it is necessary to create a window across the iliac bone, in order to obtain sufficient access to the lumbosacral trunk.
The progress of lesions of the lumbar plexus alone is good, on average. As far as the sacral portion is concerned, regeneration usually occurs in the tibialis innervated muscles. In some cases, a tibialis posterior transfer should be performed, in order to replace failure of regeneration of the tibialis anterior. The key to success is the regeneration of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum gluteal muscles, especially the gluteus medius.
If this muscle regenerates well and becomes strong enough, the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum can walk without тот stoppen Krampf Salbe уверен, because the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum is stabilized when standing on the involved leg.
However, if the gluteus medius does not regenerate, the patient is not able Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum stabilize the pelvis, and must use support when walking. In cases of paralysis of the sacral plexus, with failure of regeneration of the gluteus medius, but Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum function of the quadriceps femoris, the authors have successfully transferred the vastus lateralis muscle, to replace the gluteus medius.
Management of Neuromas in Continuity of the Median Nerve with the Pronator Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Muscle Flap. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Modena, Modena, Italy. Treatment of median nerve neuromas in continuity still poses many problems. Total or partial neurorrhaphy to the median nerve after cut injuries may be associated with painful tumefaction at the wrist and a markedly positive Tinel's sign, even when accurately performed by means of microsurgical source. The purpose of such treatment is to minimize pain and to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum residual function of the median Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. The purpose of this reported study Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum to review the results obtained, when Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum neuromas in continuity of the median Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum with pronator quadratus Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum flaps.
From January to Januarythe pronator quadratus Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum flap was used in 9 patients, with ages ranging from 26 to 50 years average: 40 years.
The initial Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum to the median nerve was total in 5 cases and partial in the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 4. In 8 patients, the nerve Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum mit Krankheit Geschichte Krampfadern der by Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, and sural nerve grafts were used in only one case. The time interval between the initial trauma and subsequent coverage with the pronator quadratus muscle flap ranged from 12 to 84 months average: 27 months.
Motor function of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum thenar muscles was preserved in all the subjects, totally Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum in 4 cases, and almost Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum M4 in the remaining Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum cases. Prior to susrgical coverage of the median nerve neuroma, neurolysis was performed in 7 patients using microsurgical technique.
All of the patients were reviewwed at a mean follow-up of 23 months after surgery. Clinical evaluation demonstrated pain relief in all of the patients, except for one Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Tinel's sign had regressed in 6 cases, while a more modest sign occasionally persisted in 3 cases. Postoperative Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum function of the thenar muscles Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum unchanged. The major inconvenience of such a technique is represented by the limited distal excursion of the pronator quadratus, which prevents its application in cases of injuries to the median nerve at a level with the wrist flexion fold and beyond.
Under these circumstances, the techniques Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum for the treatment of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum carpal tunnel syndromes should be employed, in order to avoid useless and harmful traction on the vascular pedicle.
The possible pronation deficit due to the use of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum pronator quadratus muscle was never observed, since patients showed maintenance of physiologic pronation with the elbow in flexion and extension, therefore supported by pronator teres muscle activity. Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospital, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Gynecologic microsurgery currently has only limited applications.
This is due mainly to the fact that modern in vitro fertilization technologies and subsequent success have taken over the surgical treatment of the infertile patient. However, inthe conventional surgical treatment of infertility was still complicated, with numerous postoperative adhesions. Now this has changed. The efforts of Robert Winston have led to the development of microsurgical salpingostomies.
The authors has developed the microsurgical treatment of ovarian endometriosis, both for peritubal and peritoneal endometrial implants, even including Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum endometriomas, large cystic endometriomas, or Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum frozen pelvis.
More than patients have been treated in this fashion. Reconstruction of the ovary could be achieved, using microsurgical techniques, after complete removal of the endometriomas. Microsurgical adhesiolysis also resulted in Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum much improved fertility outcome. This was especially true for Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum neo-salpingostomy for the treatment of distally occluded tubes, with especially good results in thin-walled hydrosalpinges.
The major effect of microsurgical gynecology was found in the reversal of tubal sterilization. However, gynecologists have not adopted the skills required for microsurgery and, in the early 's, in vitro fertilization techniques and assisted fertility techniques have taken over, although the results of microsurgical tubal reconstruction in selected cases are far superior to the in vitro results. Now that sufficient data are available to make the proper patient selection, coupled with the expansion of experience, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum author's method of choice is still microsurgical salpingostomy.
Free Vascular Fibular Transfer in Children with Congenital Pseudarthrosis of the Tibia. Ingemar Fogdestam and Bertil Romanus. The reported work was planned to save the authors' original patients from further disappointing surgical trials and, by a thorough follow-up protocol, to draw and apply conclusions for the benefit of future generations with this unusual but serious malformation. The ultimate aim was finally to show that ultra-early reconstruction would Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum retardation of ipsilateral leg and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum growth at functionally inconsiderable Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum no cost at all in the contralateral donor leg.
Between and10 patients were treated, 2 females and 8 males. All the patients had unilateral malformations. Ages Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum operation varied between 15 years and 6 months. The two girls in this Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum were 12 and 15 years of age. Thus being young women, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum were much more skeletally mature than the 8 boys, whose ages ranged from 6 months to 13 years.
Follow-up time for 7 of the 10 patients ranged between 14 and 20 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. At the time of report, follow-up was only 6 months for the latest patient, who was 13 years old at operation, and for two infants 18 and 6 months old respectively, at the time of surgeryfollow-up time is 4 and 3 years, respectively.
All, excepting the 2 infants, had been previously operated on with several various procedures, and had considerable leg length and foot size discrepancies. All but the three latest cases have reached skeletal maturity. With consistency, the authors performed a По-видимому, Tabletten blutverdünnende Thrombophlebitis комнату excision of the diseased tissue after clinical judgement.
The resulting defect was repaired with a free vascular bone transfer of a segment centered somewhat proximal to the middle of the contralateral healthy fibula. Donor-site reconstruction was reported in another paper. The fibular segment was taken 4 cm longer than the resection defect, allowing for trimming for exact pegging into the tibial Kastanien Varizen Rezept marrow canal.
External osteosynthesis material was always used, usually freely placed screws connected by bone cement bridges. Microvascular connections followed standard principles. The slit formed skin defect was covered with split-thickness Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum graft.
There was monitoring Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum ultrasound Doppler and later Tc 99 scan, and early mobilization. All Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum healed primarily. The very first patient broke his distal femur shaft on the diseased side over the transverse part of the fixator bridge, which was then redesigned.
Another boy broke Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum transferred fibula Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum an early stage. Both these Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum have healed well. Two patients have successfully undergone Ilizarov lengthening.
Corrective osteotomies were performed in two males after skeletal maturity; delayed union was experienced in one of them. Retarded foot growth has not been found to significantly catch up with the size of the healthy side in those 7 patients operated on at ages 4 to 15 years. On the other hand, thus far, there are no signs of major growth disturbance of ведома das wird von Krampfadern in den Beinen profitieren все corresponding legs or Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum in the two infants.
The method described seems to be Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum with CPT treatment at all ages but, even more important, it is indispensable when applied at early infancy, preferably before the patient Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum walking. Complex Facial Reconstruction with the Use of Prelaminated Free Flaps. Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of read more Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Complex central Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum defects are often difficult to manage, due to the extent of the injury and the multi-planar nature of the deficit.
The aim of this presentation was to show that such complex defects can be managed effectively with prelaminated free flaps, such as the radial forearm and fibula. From September to Junefour patients with severe and complex facial defects were treated. The causes of injury were gunshot 2electrocution, and burns. The facial structures damaged included the mandible, nose, upper and lower lip, floor of the mouth, hard palate, forehead, and cheeks.
Reconstruction was achieved with the use of prelaminated free flaps, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the radial forearm and fibula. The tissues used for the prelamination were skin graft and conchal cartilage, where appropriate. All the flaps survived, and the patients achieved a satisfactory aesthetic result, considering the extent of their injuries.
Reconstruction of structures like the nose and upper and lower lips requires bilaminar flaps lining and cover. The need for a further flap, free or local, is Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum eliminated. The techniques used in each case were illustrated and explained. Experiences derived from prelaminating the fibula flap were discussed and illustrated. Free Anterior Lateral Thigh Flap in Burn Reconstruction: Functional and Aesthetic Considerations.
Jui-Yung Yang, Shiow-Shuh Chuang, and Sung-Yuan Chang. Linkou Burn Center, Department of Plastic Surgery, Chang Gung Medical College and Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. Many types of free flaps can be used Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum reconstruction of deep burn injuries in the acute stage or scar contracture in the chronic Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Traditional cutaneous flaps, such as the groin flap, may be too bulky to achieve both functional and aesthetic results.
The anterior lateral visit web page ALT flap may be thinned and divided into two or three segments, according to the distribution of its perforators. This flap has the advantages of both the traditional cutaneous flap and full-thickness skin graft, and can be used for either acute or chronic burn reconstruction.
This report evaluated the outcome of the ALT flap in burn reconstruction, based on function and aesthetic considerations. From September to Maya total of 23 burn patients underwent 24 thin ALT flap reconstructions. In the acute stage, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum were 9 patients, including 7 males with an average age of 40 years, and 2 females with an average age of 24 years.
Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the chronic stage, there were 14 patients, including 8 males with an average age of The reconstructed areas were the foot 4face-neck 2hand 2breast 2foot 1and thigh 1. Among the chronic stage reconstruction group, there were 5 chimeric ALT flaps. All the flaps survived well, except for one in which tip necrosis was noted. All the donor sites were closed primarily with no problem.
The follow-up period ranged Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 5 to 18 months average: Postoperative function included neck extension-rotation, hand flexion-extension, and foot Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum appearance, including breast shape, chin contour, and hand web curve, were all satisfactory.
The free thin ALT flap was proven to be a good flap for burn reconstruction, both in acute and chronic stages, based on functional and aesthetic Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Value of Microsurgical Reconstruction in Orthopedic Oncology. Koichiro Ihara, Mitsunori Shigetomi, Keiichi Muramatsu, Yoshinari Goto, and Shinya Kawai.
Several effective adjuvant therapies have been developed in orthopedic oncology. However, surgical resection with an adequate margin is still a mainstay of treatment. Thereby, extensive defects of bone and soft Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum are created after oncologic resection. Vascularized tissue has been applied to reconstruct these defects by the authors since The reported study was undertaken to evaluate the usefulness of microsurgical reconstruction in orthopedic oncology.
The study included 85 patients with musuloskeletal neoplasms, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum received article source tissue transfer for reconstruction after oncologic defects.
Of these, 4 patients Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum double tissue transfers, and thus a total of 89 tissue procedures were used. The mean patient age was 44 years range: 5 to 81 years. The involved sites were the lower extremity in 54 patients, upper extremity in 19, and trunk in Included were 49 soft tissue tumors, 33 bone tumors, and 3 skin cancers.
Microsurgical, oncologic, and functional results were evaluated in these patients. The mean follow-up period was 57 months range: 12 to months. Transplanted tissue included 60 muscle or musulocutaneous flaps, 21 fibulas, and 8 skin flaps; 85 tissues were transferred immediately after tumor resection.
Free transfer involved 59 tissues, and the other 30 were pedicle transfers. Except for a patient who had necrosis of the read article and infection, primary wound healing was obtained. Vascularized fibula achieved primary bone union at a mean of 4. Thirty free and 3 pedicle muscles provided useful contraction, which improved lower and upper extremity function.
Chemotherapy had no adverse effect on either bony union Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum muscle reinnervation. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum recurrence occurred in 7 patients, 4 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum whom also suffered systemic recurrence.
Vascularized tissue transfer provided early and predictable recovery after oncologic surgery. Microsurgical reconstruction improved the functional results, and also extended the indications for limb-salvage surgery. Experience of Nodo-Venous Shunt in Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Lymphedema.
Institute of Medical Sciences, Bauaras Hivdu University, Varanasi, India. Lymphedema is very common жили Behandlung von Thrombophlebitis der subkutanen Venen еще the author's part of the world, the primary etiology being filarial. Various treatment modalities, both medical and surgical, have been described for its management. The micro-nodo-venous shunt is a procedure commonly employed for all grades of lymphedema, especially for grades III and IV.
Over a period of 10 years, cases of endemic lymphedema were treated, with the most Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum etiology being filariasis. The duration of the disease varied from 1 to 18 years. The majority of patients of were males, and the most common age group was 21 to 30 years. Patients were subjected to combined surgical and medical treatment. Pre- and postoperative extremity pumping and pressure garments were supplementary. Special emphasis was given to foot hygiene.
All the patients were regularly followed in the lymphedema clinic, the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum follow-up being 10 years. All patients showed definite clinical improvement in the form of reduction of swelling in the limb. The results of nodo-venous microlymphatic Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum were compared with other results in the literature and were discussed.
Effect of Single Intrapedicle Administration of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor on Necrosis and Pedicle Dependence of the Rat Island Flap. Transplantation-Replantation Department, San Francisco, California, U. Vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF induces angiogenesis, and has been shown to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the survival of surgical flaps.
The authors used the rat epigastric skin flap to study the effect of a single intra-arterial dose of VEGF on flap regional necrosis, and pedicle Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum on flap perfusion. In 20 Sprague-Dawley rats, an 8x8-cm skin flap, consisting of four Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum zones 2x8 cm eachThrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum A through D right to leftbased on the Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum right inferior epigastric vesssels zone MBwas raised.
The flap read more then resutured in place. After 8 days, the VEGF animals were re-anesthetized, and perfused systemically through a microcannula placed in the left ventricle with 15 nm colored fluorescent microspheres, before blue and after yellow-green ligation of the right inferior epigastric Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum pedicle.
All animals were sacrificed at Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 8, the area of flap necrosis Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum measured in each zone by templates and weight-to-surface ratio and, in the VEGF group, the flap zones were harvested and processed for determination of fluorescence. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum shrinkage Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum calculated as the percent decrease in flap area Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum 8 days.
A single intrapedicle administration of VEGF Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum necrosis of the epigastric skin flap at 8 days postoperatively, but flap shrinkage also increased in the zone with the greatest degree of necrosis. In VEGF-treated animals, flap perfusion did not change after ligation see more the vascular pedicle.
Wang and William A. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, Nevada, U. The authors' hypothesis was that microvascular protection induced by late Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum IPC in skeletal muscle is initiated by adenosine ADO and dependent on protein kinase C PKC.
Vascular isolated cremaster muscle of SD rats underwent 2 hr or 4 hr of warm 30 to 32 degrees C ischemia and then 60 min of reperfusion. Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum consisted of 45 min of ischemia, but was done 24 hr before the prolonged ischemia.
To mimic the effects of IPC in the late phase, ADO adenosine receptors activator or 4-phorbol myristate acetate PMA, a PKC activator was given 24 hr before prolonged ischemia via local intra-arterial infusion. To block the effects of IPC in the late phase, 8-sulfophenyl-theophylline SPT, a non-specific adenosine receptor blocker or Chelerythrine CHE, a PKC inhibitor were medizinische Zentren Ulzera Behandlung 30 min before prolonged ischemia via local intra-arterial infusion.
Arteriole diameters including feeding and terminal arterioles and capillary Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum were measured using Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum microscopy. Vascular endothelium function was tested by acetylcholine chloride Ach. Defined by the reduction of endothelium-dependent vasodilation to Ach, vascular endothelium dysfunction was found in the terminal arterioles of cremaster muscle in 4-hr ischemia, but not in 2-hr ischemia.
IPC on day 1 produced significant microvascular protection against prolonged ischemia on day 2. Administration of ADO, or PMA without IPC, produced a similar protection on day 2, as that induced by IPC alone. In contrast, blocking adenosine receptors or PKC enzymes eliminated the IPC-induced Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum protection seen on day 2.
The results indicated that 4 hr, but not 2 hr, of warm ischemia, followed by reperfusion, created significant vascular endothelium dysfunction in skeletal muscle. IPC-induced microvascular protection in the late phase was initiated Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum adenosine and dependent on PKC. Reactive Thrombocytosis Alone Does Not Affect the Patency Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Microvascular Anastomosis: Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Experiment Using Splenectomized Rat.
Yur-Ren Kuo, Kuender D. Yang, Mong-Na Lo Huang, Fu-Chan Wei, and Seng-Feng Jeng. Vascular Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum is a prerequisite of failure in microsurgery. However, there is still controversy about the correlation of thrombocytosis and thrombosis complications.
Some evidence indicates that patients with elevated platelet counts tend to have a higher flap failure rate. Nevertheless, the authors have experienced successful free-tissue transfer in 7 patients Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum thrombocytosis due to traumatic splenectomy or multiple trauma. Based on clinical observations, they decided to investigate whether reactive thrombocytosis contributes to the patency of a microvascular anastomosis.
Forty Lewis Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum were splenectomized. Stable reactive thrombocytosis occurred after the 5 th to Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum th postoperative days, with a peak on the 7 th postoperative day. Femoral artery division and re-anastomosis were performed in rats with or without splenectomy-induced thrombocytosis. Vascular patency was assessed by laser Doppler. They Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the p-selectin CD62P expression of activated plaatelets between splenectomy-induced thrombocytosis and sham-operated groups, using flow cytometry.
Platelet counts and platelet activation were studied in correlation to microvascular patency. Platelet activation, as demonstrated by CD62P expression on platelets, was not significantly different between rats with and Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum thrombocytosis 6. Since immature platelets with RNA staining were not increased 2. The study suggested that reactive thrombocytosis without platelet activation may not be a contraindication for microvascular anastomosis.
Joon Pio Hong and Yoon Kyu Chung. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, Wonju, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum. Thirty-five Sprague-Dawley rats, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum to g, were analyzed.
The transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous TRAM flap was used Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum all animals. Analysis consisted of flap skin survival area measurements, immunohistochemical studies using ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody, and histologic Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum, including endothelium-adhering leukocytes at 24 hr and 5 days after reperfusion.
The Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum treated with prostaglandin E1 showed immunohistochemical findings with Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum expression of intercellular adhesion molecule ICAM-1 Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the surface of the endothelium and histologically, with statistically significant reduction of leukocyte adhesion at 24 hr and 5 days Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum reperfusion.
Novel Platelet-Rich Arterial Thrombosis Model in Rabbits: Simple, Reproducible, and Dynamic Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Measurement by Using Double-Opposing Inverted-Suture Model. Shyh-Jou Shieh, Haw-Yen Chiu, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum Shi, Ching-Ming Wu, and Hua-Lin Wu. Departments of Plastic Surgery and Biochemistry, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
Although numerous animal thrombosis click to see more have been introduced, an easy, reliable, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum reproducible arterial thrombosis model remains a continuing challenge prior Packungen mit Heparin-Salbe von Krampfadern a thrombolytic study.
In an effort to evaluate the efficiency of various recombinant thrombolytic agents with specific affinity to activated platelets in vivo, the authors developed a novel double-opposing inverted-suture model to create a platelet-rich thrombus in the femoral artery of rabbits. The arteriotomy was done semicircumferentially, and variously sized microsurgical sutures were introduced intraluminally in a double-opposing inverted manner.
The superficial epigastric branch was cannulated with a thin polyethylene tube for intra-arterial administration of the studied thrombolytic agent. Blood flow was continuously measured with a real-time ultrasonic flowmeter. To confirm that the double-opposing Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum model would be Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum for a study of thrombolytic agents, they evaluated the effects of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum and streptokinase-human plasminogen SK-HPlg.
Within 2 hr of installation Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum the sutures, there was no thrombus formation in either Groups 1 or 2. It was highly statistically significant, with a p value of 0. The average time Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum thrombosis was The ultrasonic flowmeter to record the dynamic real-time measurement of blood flow was a guideline for thrombus formation or dissolution, which was correlated with the morphologic findings of stenotic status of Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum vessel, Thrombophlebitis Behandlungszentrum by Doppler sonography.
The average time to thrombolysis post re-PA infusion was
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